Chapter 2960 Green Fruit 19

Su Qi licked her mouth, but she did not care. "I like to follow you."

I can't stand it. I obviously met him for the second time. He seemed to be familiar with me. He asked him with anger and anger. "What do you want?"

Su Qi was amazed, but still smiled, revealing white teeth: "You can't see, I am chasing you?"

I have a glimpse of my heart, maybe I think his smile is too glaring, and quickly turned around and said, "My mother is not allowed to love me."

"You are so big, is your mother still in charge of you?"

I ignored him and reached for my bag.

Su Qi was avoiding it and said to me, "I will send you home."




"Yes!" Su Qi threatened, "Otherwise, I will tell you the girls in the class, you like me!"

"Who likes you!?"


I know that he is such a rogue person, but I am really afraid that he will tell us the people in the class, he likes me, so I have to say, "Then you can't send me to the door, up to the bridge!"

"it is good."

"Then return the bag to me!"

Su Qi did not cling to it again, and returned the bag to me. I took the bag and immediately ran to the direction of the house.

"Hey! Yin Xiachun!"

He realized that he was cheated by me and shouted behind him.

I didn't look back, as if he was a savage beast, just running desperately, until he reached the position of the bridgehead, looked back and saw him open, and then stopped and ran away, while gasping, Going home.

I thought that he would give up on this.

Unexpectedly, Su Qi’s persistence was more persistent than I expected.

Unexpectedly, when I was in class the next day, I met him at the door.

He sat on a bicycle, saw me, got out of the car, pushed the car to me, first snorted, "Little liar!"

I looked at him with a guilty look and lowered my head. I couldn’t help but have some doubts. He is riding a bicycle to the school gate waiting for me today. Isn’t that just for the convenience of chasing me? !

"You don't want to follow me anymore! I want to go home!"

I turned and left.

He caught up with me and took my sleeve. "No, it's still early, I invite you to play."

"I don't want it! If I don't go home, my mother will be in a hurry!"

"Take your mother out as a shield!"

He took my bag and smiled and said, "Go, I will take you to a fun place!"

I saw that I couldn’t hide this time and I had to get on the bus.

I think, with his degree of attachment, I will follow me until my doorstep.

Sitting in his back seat, I was so upset that how to get rid of this entangled guy, when I came back to God, I found the bicycle parked in a luxurious place.

At the door, there are a few young students standing, two of whom are like young people in society. When they meet Su Qi, they greet each other with respect and respect. "Su Qige, you are here!"

"Ice rink!?"

I looked at the signboard that lit the light and was shocked.

Su Qi asked me, "Slide through the ice?"

I shook my head.

For me, like ice skating rinks, Internet cafes, and karaoke rooms, they are all bad places. Whether they are parents or teachers, they are all three orders and five orders, and they are not allowed to step in!

I can't talk about a child, but for these places, I also avoid it, so I especially resist entering such a place.

Green fruit is estimated to end in the day after tomorrow, and then enter the Mu Shi marriage after the death ~ ~

(End of this chapter)

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