Chapter 2961 Green Fruit 20

I can't talk about a child, but for these places, I also avoid it, so I especially resist entering such a place.

I immediately said, "I don't like ice skating! I will go home!"


He passed over my shoulder and smiled and said, "Skating is very fun. You play once and you want it for the second time!"

"I haven't finished my homework yet! If you write late, you can't write it!"

He grabbed my bag and threw it to the guys behind the high school students. He told me, "Do it for her!"

"and many more!"

I stopped him. "If the writing is different, the teacher can see it!"

"I told them to write in pencil, go back and re-write the rewrite according to the answer, very soon!"


"Nothing else! I invite you to drink! Just, it was the last apology!"



Su Qi said, he licked his lips and smiled deeply. "Last time, wouldn't it be your first kiss?"

As soon as I heard it, my face was so hot that I turned around and didn't look at him.

He got together and lowered his voice and asked, "I shouldn't be the first boy to kiss you?"

I immediately said, "No!"

His face immediately changed, "No?"

Then he sneaked. "I see your excited reaction. I thought it was your first kiss?"

I said, "My first kiss is gone!"

"Oh?" Su Qi came to the interest and asked me, "Who is your first kiss?"

"My brother!"

"Your brother?"

"Yeah!" I nodded and said, "Yin Dongyu!"

Su Qi smiled immediately, not taking it for granted. "That doesn't count!"

I am surprised, "How come?"

"He is your brother, not counting! The first kiss refers to the opposite **** outside the loved one. How can your brother count?"

As soon as I heard it, I was even more unhappy.

Su Qi smiled even deeper. "That said, I am your first kiss?"

I said madly, "If you talk nonsense, I will really go home!"

"OK OK!"

Su Qi surrendered with both hands. "I am wrong! I am wrong Missy! Let's go, I teach you to skate!"

However, his mouth is still snickering, and it seems that I am the first kiss with him, how bright the mood!

I ignored him, looked up at the neon signboard, and the ghost made it worse. I didn't push it back, let him walk in and walk in.

For the skating, I am still very curious. I don't know what a magical place is for the ice rink. Many parents talk about discoloration.

Until entering the ice rink, on the empty ground, many people wore skates and played freely on the field. Sometimes people lined up and grabbed the clothes of the people in front, forming a long queue.

I glanced at it and found that there were many boys and girls with strange hairstyles and some strange clothes.

Especially the jeans with holes, the fat trouser legs, the clothes that are pulled to the shoulders, the hot hair of the fireworks, the colorful, the quirky aesthetic, it makes people look uncomfortable!

Su Qi held me, bought a ticket, and then put on skates, I actually feel new!

It seems that it looks very fun!

When I was young, for many unknown things, I was always full of sensibility, I wanted to get close, I wanted to find out the bottom, I wanted to figure out what was going on, I wanted to be there.

(End of this chapter)

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