Chapter 2966 Green Fruit 25

"In the past, Su Qi sneaked out his dad's car. It was a Bentley. I heard that it would cost several million! He didn't have a driver's license. The car and the people were detained by the traffic police brigade. Finally, his father took him back. of!"

“Su Qi’s family is very rich. Her parents are very prestigious entrepreneurs in the city. It is said that he lives in a mansion of the original double-family, more than a thousand flat villas, there are two swimming pools! The back garden is more than a football field. Still bigger!"


I was even more impressed with him, but no matter how far I avoided him, I seemed to underestimate his patience.

Young boys, once they have a strong interest in one thing, will probably become very keen to do this regardless of anyone's vision and opinion.

I like to play basketball and work hard to play basketball.

Chasing a girl and pursuing it.

They don't need to think about whether this thing succeeds or fails. Perhaps it is to enjoy the happiness in the process.

Including, love this thing.

After I grew up, I thought about it. If we are in and out of society, we gradually learn to be sleek. If we learn what we can’t get, we will give up. If we don’t have to be persistent, we don’t have to be so persistent. Su Qi, I also Well, if you would like a moth to fight like a fire, you will chase the lighthouse in your heart.

Just like I like Dongyu, Su Qi likes me, so I don’t mean to go it alone.

When I was young, adults laughed at us, too naive, too simple, we always disagree.

We think we are mature, we are squatting, unwilling, vigorous, rebellious, and we believe that our society is the real society.

Big talent is stupid.

But until I grow up, I will suddenly find out that the younger one is really naive and simple.

From an early age, I think that if you like someone, you must be fearless. After you grow up, you will find it hard to be brave enough for love.

It is because of too much reason, reasonful knowledge, deep in love, will be hurt again and again.

I always say, don't be too obsessed with love.

It does not bring any benefits, happiness is only a minority, more is the pain of the lost.

Sticking again and again, until the end of the pain to give up, unforgettable.

Love, half is enough.

It is not the whole of life.

It’s a good person, it’s always good to say, but it’s not necessarily good.

I also have the most words on my lips.

Rao is me, I can't get out of this dilemma, just like being trapped in a misty swamp.

Su Qi at that time, probably also like me, for fear, no fear.

Perhaps his persistence finally touched me. When he handed a cute one into my hand, I took it and said "thank you". I never noticed how much his eyes were flattered.

"Are you finally willing to talk to me?"

I smiled.

I am willing to take care of him because I think he is too stupid, and he is behind me every day, like a follower.

From a young age, only I was the follower of Dongyu. One day, there was also a person who followed me like me after Dongyu. It seems that because of this, for his face, it seems to me that I don’t hate it. .

“It’s not bad to have someone go home with me.”

Su Qi smiled.

I looked at him and couldn't help but say, "You don't seem to be as bad as the rumors!"


(End of this chapter)

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