Chapter 2967 Green Fruit 26


Su Qi came to interest.

"What rumors?"

"About your rumors, some people say that you skip classes, smoke, drink, fight, and girls have a baby for you. Are these true?"

Su Qi listened, first ridiculed a smile, "Oh, that's all. I thought it was!"

"Are these rumors true?"

"Semi-true half-false."

"Half half true?"

I don't understand it anymore, I don't understand what he meant.

"Either it is true, or it is fake. What is half-truth?"

"Sometimes, what the eyes see is not necessarily true. What the ears hear is not necessarily true. For example, I smoke, I drink, I fight, these are true. Some people have legends that girls are for me. Abortion - I am accompanying a girl to have a baby, but the girl’s stomach is not that I am getting bigger."

"Not you, who?"

"Oh, I can't say it." Su Qi smiled. "I promised to keep it secret."


I muttered. "You have so many secrets."

"Who has no secrets? If you really want to know, let us exchange them?"

Su Qi rode her car and walked around me, looking at me. "You should also have a little secret. You tell me your secret. I tell you my secret, so that is fair."

I look at him seriously.

For a long while, I smiled at him, making it mysterious. "Can't tell you!"

"Cut!" Su Qi is a little indifferent.

Turned around, I bit my mouth, licking the position of my chest, my heart beat fast.

I came back home with my heart and opened the door of the study. I saw Dongyu’s desk, and the books were still neatly arranged. Obviously, I didn’t go home after school.

I stood there for a long time, recalling Su Qi’s words.

As he said, everyone has hidden secrets that cannot be said.

And I can't say it, it's only related to Dongyu.


I like him.

When did it become unnoticeable to perceive the feelings for him?

When I was being bullied, he looked at me and took a shower, and then when I was looking for someone to ask for sin.

Still, when I saw other children around him, I longed that he only belonged to me alone?

Is Menglan saying that when I and Dongyu have no way to be together?

Still, when I saw that he had received a lot of gifts from the table, and finally threw them into the trash can, I felt an unbeatable happiness in my heart?



Since birth, my feelings for Dongyu are different from everyone else.

It is not the kind of intimacy of a loved one, not the feeling of love of a lover, but in this world, I can be indifferent to anyone except him.

Is this a kind of like?

I feel a little confused about this, I want to understand, and I am not in a hurry to understand.

I always feel that some things, once made too clear, will become difficult to decide.

This strange feeling, in an accidental thing, the trouble is getting more and more occupied.

I remember once, one high-level sports meeting, I mixed into the school to play, I found the classroom of Dongyu, and when I walked in, I saw a girl standing in front of Dongyu’s desk. Holding an envelope in your hand, like a fortress.

I rushed over and took the envelope from the girl and pinched it in my hand. He asked, "What do you want to do!?"

(End of this chapter)

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