Chapter 2974 Green Fruit 34

A suffocating pain wrapped me.

For the first time in my life, I realized that my heart really hurts.

This kind of pain can make people feel suffocated, helpless, and helpless.

On the night of my grandmother's death, the family was busy with the funeral, and Dongyu accompanied me to sleep in the small room upstairs. I couldn't blink for the whole night.

I kept tears in my eyes, and my grandmother’s big Pu fan cried.

I remember this big Pu fan. When I was a child, when the weather was hot, my grandmother stayed at my bed. Over and over again, I took the trouble to fan the wind until we slept.

When I went upstairs, I saw it and my heart was about to break.

Dongyu holds me, and I don't know how to comfort such a sad person, because Rao is himself, and because of his illness, his heart is dignified, as if he is infected by my emotions, and he has fallen into tears.

"Xia Chun, don't cry, okay?"

He comforted me softly, holding me in my arms, like a child.

I don't know how to respond to him, even though I didn't make a sound, but the tears never stopped.

He probably felt heartache, holding my face and carefully licking the tears in my eyes.

Because of this kind of kiss, I was shocked at once, and the original heartbeat was so quiet that I suddenly jumped.

In the darkness, Dongyu didn't seem to find my strangeness, but he also noticed that I didn't cry anymore. I also knew that such comforting seemed to calm my emotions briefly and hold my face like young. In that case, I gently kissed my tears.

When I was a child, I especially loved to cry. The way that Dongyu comforted my emotions was like this. I didn’t know that after I grew up, this behavior added a bit of awkwardness between men and women.

The heartbeat was getting more and more intense, but I was willing to let him so comfort, and subconsciously grabbed his waist with his hand.

I just hugged him, and he seemed to wake up at once, slightly lifting his eyes and facing my eyes.

I couldn't see what his face was. He couldn't see the dark feelings in my eyes. He only smiled softly. "Little fool, don't cry, Grandma is gone, and I am with you." ""

"Can you stay with me forever?"

"I promised my grandmother to take care of you."


What I want is not such care!

He had a sapwood head and didn't seem to understand what I was talking about.

Later, I realized that perhaps at that time, Dongyu had already understood, but he deliberately avoided, did not respond, and avoided heavy weight.

Just like when I was young, I was paranoid to pursue the answer, but Dongyu had already known that some things, once made clear, were not the result of his pleasure.

Some things are vague, but they are not so painful, and they will not face cruel choices.

He built a utopian world and hoped that the two emotions could coexist.

That night, he held me and stayed with me all night until the mood was calm.

After the funeral, in order to thank the relatives who helped me at the funeral, Dad packed a box in the hotel and asked the relatives and friends to have a meal.

Often on such occasions, Dongyu is always the most eye-catching one.

A colleague of a mother half-jokingly said half-heartedly, "Winter Yu is tall and handsome, my family Tingting can like it, all winter brother brother Dongyu brother! Winter Yu, how do you give us a son-in-law in the future? what?"

(End of this chapter)

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