Chapter 2975 Green Fruit 35

"Mom!" The girl sitting on the side was blushing, and she looked around shyly, and finally her eyes fell on Dongyu's body, pouting her mouth, but her eyes were hard to conceal her admiration.

In fact, such a joke is no more unusual.

But I didn't like it so much that I didn't have any good looks.

I am uneasy to find that I am not bound to Dongyu.

As he said at the beginning, maintaining this is like a far-reaching, life-changing, and we are bound to break into the third party. I think that this third party will unscrupulously occupy his arms, his chest, His love, and his eyes will not be alone, his care and care, not just me as the only object, which makes me into an unprecedented panic.

What makes me even more uneasy is that I am extremely reluctant to reject this possibility, and even hate this third party who has not yet appeared.

I know that I think so, it is ridiculous, I am not sure with Dong Yu, this forbidden love, from the beginning to bury the end, the fate is not perfect.

But I still have a poor and humble mind, trying to break the wall.

But whenever I see my parents' faces, the guilty feelings in my heart can't be suppressed. I think I must be hopeless, but even so, I can't escape this kind of torture. So for a long time, I fell into such a strange circle, day and night are troubled, how can not go out.

I think, I have already got a disease, and I can't afford it. Besides Dongyu, no one can cure it.

I also tried to let others enter my world, but I realized with sorrow that my world is like a shackle, just the lock, and no one can break it.

At the beginning of my life, Dongyu is my only belief. Even if the world is ridiculous, I just want him to accompany me.

I found that my heart is more and more difficult for me to suppress myself!


When I was in the second grade of middle school, I was in the second anniversary of the 50th anniversary of the school. I wanted to hold a literary performance and a class collection. I was forced to sign up. It was because the music teacher knew that I would have a good piano. So I strongly recommended me to play the piano. The program played.

I don't know why, the ghost made a poor promise.

Because the teacher said that if you participate in the talent show, you will add credits.

At that time, credits were also an important consideration.

After the registration, I had another excuse to hang around Dongyu every night.

He was informed that I had participated in the talent show of the school celebration, and there were some accidents.

Dongyu began to learn to play the piano from a urinary, and I, as his sparring, looked at him on the sidelines, occasionally entangled him to teach me to play the piano.

Although the technique is not so professional, Dong Yu said that my beech head has some talent in music.

What I do is always three-points. For the piano, it is not because of the love of the piano itself, or for other reasons, my piano has been persisting for a long time.

In that month, I practiced the piano especially, and Dongyu chose a song for me. I didn’t have a special obedience for the opera and the artistic atmosphere that was too strong. So I picked a nice but simple one. Lin Junjie's "Jiangnan".

At that time, Lin Junjie’s song was very popular and the singing was very high. “Jiangnan” was a familiar track in the streets.

(End of this chapter)

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