Chapter 2976 Green Fruit 36

I can't wait until two weeks before the celebration, and I started to get nervous.

I thought I heard that the celebration was held in the newly-built literary hall of the school.

I was very impressed with this auditorium. When I went to clean the kitchen occasionally, I was amazed by the grand auditorium.

The auditorium is large enough to accommodate thousands of people. It is said that when the school is celebrated, all the teachers and students will be on site.

I couldn't help but start to get nervous, so that when I think of the upcoming celebration, I will make a mistake when I practice the piano.

The celebration was a week ago.

One night and a half, I was awakened by the eagerness of Dongyu.

Open your eyes, but see his dress is neat, kneeling by the bed, under the moonlight, a pair of eyes are as beautiful and bright as obsidian.

"What are you doing?"

I rubbed my eyes and shouted. "Isn't I slept so late?"

"Go, I will take you to a place."


He shot my head, "Don't ask so much, wear clothes!"

His mysterious appearance made me nervous. I was in a hurry to get dressed. He took my hand and crept out of the door.

When I left home, the night was dark and there was no star in the sky.

He pushed the bicycle and carried me, all the way to a high.

When the car stopped at a high door, I couldn't help but be surprised. I asked strangely, "What do you bring me here?"

"Remember? I mentioned to you that there is a beautiful tripod piano in the music classroom of our school."

I suddenly caught it and finally understood his intentions.

"You don't want to play the grand piano? Generally, this piano, unless it is performed, usually does not let the students touch it. There are teachers in the day, it is not convenient, and at night, I will take you to practice the piano."

Said, he turned and asked, "Are you sleepy?"

"not sleepy!"

I shook my head and asked with some concern. "However, the music classrooms in the school generally lock the doors and windows."

Dong Yu could not help but raise a smug smile, revealing white teeth.

"It's my turn to be worthy today."

I am still confused and have not responded.

He attached to my ear and whispered, "There is a window, I secretly didn't lock it. Later, I flipped through the window and opened the door for you."

I am excited at once!

This guy, a little smart can be a lot!

But I am still a little worried. "Is there a teacher on duty at school? If you hear the sound of the piano, you will find us?"

"I have inquired, the teacher on duty who is generally responsible for the inspection of the building. At this time, I have already returned to the dormitory to rest. So late, only the security guards. But the security room and the music classroom are far apart and will not be discovered."

Dongyu said as she held me through the back door of the school.

My eyesight was not good at night, a little night blindness, Dongyu took my hand and touched the black to the music building. I looked back and looked around. At the school, all the lights were off, and I couldn’t see my fingers, the empty corridors, the dark windows and doors, and the lively scenes in the day, in stark contrast.

I am a little afraid of black, I always feel that such an environment, too scary, and associated with some horrible things, could not help but hit a spirit, more and more close to the winter.

It is said that human imagination is the most terrifying.

I often read magazines about horror stories on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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