Chapter 2977 Green Fruit 37

I often read the magazines of horror stories on the street. At this moment, the contents of those ghost stories suddenly poured into my mind, and I was even scared and nervous.

He noticed that I was so short of breath and couldn't help laughing.

"Are you so afraid of black?"

"Winter, do you believe that there are ghosts in this world?"

I just finished asking, and I was scared by a brain in my own mind. It seemed to flash a pale face, and I was scared to mention this word!

Dongyu smiled. "If I say to you, I believe there are ghosts in this world, will you be more scared?!"

I listened and almost screamed, "You don't want to be scary!"

“It’s clear that you are scaring yourself!”

Dongyu said, licking my head, "Okay, don't scare yourself, be really a ghost... I must leave you running first."

I am even more panicked, crying and crying. "Don't talk about this topic again! Stop and stop!"

He was teased by me and he stopped mentioning it.

We sneaked into the floor of the music classroom. Dongyu was close to the bed, carefully pulling the window open, opening the curtains and inquiring into it. The moonlight sprinkled into the music classroom, which was beautiful and beautiful.

He looked around carefully and looked alert. I snuggled nervously on his side, looking at the corner of the corridor for a moment, always feeling the next second, as if something would suddenly pop up!

I also shrank my body into a small group and carefully pulled his sleeves. "Brother, are you sure that there is no problem?"

"Well! The teacher on duty in the patrolhouse should have returned to the dormitory to rest, and there is no one in the music building."

Dongyu said with a low voice, and then he gave me a look. "You wait for me outside the door, huh? I flipped in and opened the door for you."

"please do not……"

I clung to his sleeve. "Do you want someone to leave me outside the door?"

" can't see how courageous you are, how, I am afraid that something will pop up and eat you?!"


I was scared and screamed. Dongyu quickly grabbed my lips nervously and pressed my fingers against my lips. "Stupid! You want to bring the security guard over?"

"Whoever scares me!"

Dongyu said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, huh? Waiting for me for a while, I am moving very fast."

"okay then……"

I made a slight compromise and nodded. "You are careful."

Dong Yu held the window edge and jumped up the window sill. He jumped into the classroom with his skill.

I walked to the door uncomfortably, and my heartbeat increased. Soon, the door of the classroom opened from the inside. I just opened a gap. I rushed in until I saw his smile in the sun, my heartbeat. Gradually return to calm.

Dongyu closed the door and turned around. I jumped over his shoulder and cheered. "Brother is awesome!"


He was afraid that I would make too much noise, and put a finger on my head. "Your voice is small!"

"Oh, it hurts..."

I rubbed my forehead and gave him a look.

He exchanged a look with me, and then immediately turned the curtains in the music classroom all the way, which opened a light.

The warm light shines down on a beautiful and elegant Yamaha tripod piano.

"Wow! Beautiful piano!"

I covered my mouth and admired it, and looked at the piano several times in amazement.

(End of this chapter)

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