Chapter 2978 Green Fruit 38

I sighed and sighed, and looked at the piano several times in amazement. This piano satisfies all the romantic illusions of music in my teenage years.

When Dongyu practiced the piano from a young age, I liked to sit next to him, watching him drunk and watching the boring Etudes over and over again.

However, I don't think it is boring to accompany him to practice the piano.

I like his pair of hands that play the keys. The fingers are long, the fingertips are like porcelain, and the black and white keys are beautiful.

Whenever the afternoon, the sun outside the window spilled in, reflected in his handsome side face, against the light, quiet and beautiful.

I am not born to love the piano, the obsession and love of the piano, more from the fascination with him.

He watched me keep spinning around the piano, his hands in the trouser pockets, some helpless, I looked up and looked at him, but saw his mouth sketching a warm and petite smile.

"Brother, how much is this piano?"

It is almost like I was as devoutly stroking the body of the piano as the believer prayed. The expression on her face was too funny. He smiled and immediately twirled his eyebrows. "It is very expensive."

I am more and more curious, and I am chasing after me. "How expensive is it?"


Dongyu thought about it, "about 200,000."

I am completely shocked!


It’s an astronomical number!

He saw my eyes smashed like a brass bell, and his face was incredible. He suddenly burst into tears. "This piano is Yamaha, playing a special piano."

"That sound must be great!"

“When is the schedule for the celebration?”


Dongyu screwed his eyebrows. "The time is very tight. Are you familiar with the song?"

"It will be a meeting, that is, in some places, the **** is still to be consolidated."

I played piano, but I was amateur, and I didn't practice from a young age. When I was young, when Dongyu was playing the piano, I sat next to him and practiced with him.

When I liked him to teach me the most, the gentle eyebrows made me sink into it.

"Where is there a problem with the fingering?"

Dongyu sat on the piano bench and patted it. "Come here, sit next to me."


I walked over and sat down. He said, "Let me play it first."

"it is good."

I bowed my head and played it carefully. He called me to stop from time to time, lowered my head and adjusted my hand to the correct technique, but unconsciously, my mind was not on the piano, but I kept staring at him. The side of the face, looked at it with ecstasy.

I couldn't help but think back. I once asked Han Han what it feels like to be alone.

She replied to me and said that when he met him, his heart beat like a thunder and he was filled with joy.

When you touch it, your breathing becomes hot and you are restless.

I know that I like him and I can't get out of it.

In particular, just watching him quietly, it seems that for a long time, time is still.

He was carrying up, halfway through the words, but I saw that I was staring at his side face. I was a little embarrassed for a while. "What?"


I am somewhat embarrassed to take back my eyes and have a dim sum!

Dong Yu's lips, "Well, that continues..."

He just took my hand and pulled it to the keyboard. It was so cold fingertips, but it made me feel that his hand was very hot. I was so nervous that I held my hand tightly and suddenly held his hand. Hold it!

(End of this chapter)

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