Chapter 2979 Green Fruit 39

The strength was so deep that his expression was somewhat solidified. He was obviously stunned by the feeling of my shuddering fingertips.

His palms were also cold sweat, and the knuckles were white.

I hesitated again and again, suddenly staring straight at him, brave enough courage, pleading, "Brother... We are always together, okay?"

Dongyu looked a glimpse, his eyes flashed a trace of surprise, his eyes and my eyes briefly met, so don't overdo it, don't say a word with his head down.

I saw him silent, as if a thorn stuck into my heart, some suffocated a little, "Brother... I hate you walking with other girls... I imagined that you and other girls are in love, hug , communication, kiss... I can't accept it, like the end of the world! We are always together, no one should leave, as we agreed when we were young, are we together?! One hundred years, together for a lifetime! ”

My tone, through humble prayers, is both confusing and helpless.

I am full of expectation that he will gently push me into my arms like I was when I was young, and promise to me, "Okay, well... we will be together forever."

But he didn't.

Just trembled and stretched out the other hand, prying my fingers one by one, and looking up at me, my face was pale and helpless.

"Hey, don't mess around, huh?"

"I don't have a mess! I am very serious, can't you hear it? Can't you see it??"

I seriously approached him and said eagerly, "I want to be with you all the time, brother, are we not agreed?"

"Xia Chun, we are brothers and sisters, one day, I will have a beloved girl, she will be my wife, spend the rest of my life, always together... is that girl, not you, understand?"

"I don't understand!" I was very hot in my face for a moment, questioning him, "Why! Why can't I!"

When I heard this, I really said it from his mouth, it was extremely cruel, my heart was like a cone of thorns, and my eyes could not be seen at once.

I clenched my fists in desperation, desperate as if I wanted to annihilate me, and asked, "What did you promise me before? What is it? Is it a lie? We clearly agree..."

His complex face twisted his face, bowed his head, and stared straight at the black and white keys, so he calmly said, "I promise you, will be with you forever, never give up, but not in this way. You understand?"

The air was quiet and dead.

I saw him licking his eyebrows, his face tangled and ambiguous, and seemed to deliberately avoid me.

When I was unconscious, I couldn't help but reach out and clasped his wrist tightly. He turned his head in amazement. I was already in a difficult situation and approached him. He grabbed his shoulder. Cum on awkwardly.

When I was young, I liked to watch those romantic and sweet idol dramas. Every time I went to the kiss, I watched the scene of the male and female protagonist kissing on the TV screen.

I learned what I saw on TV, holding his face, gently rubbing his eyes and using his lips to trace his cold lips.

He has a good shackle. I noticed that he was stiff and unable to understand. Half of his body leaned on him. Through a thin cloth, I even felt his warm chest and the warm heartbeat clearly. sound.

(End of this chapter)

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