Chapter 2990 Green Fruit 50

"My character is slow and it is hard to like someone. But since you have been chasing me for so long, I decided to try to interact with you!"

I am laughing on my face, but my heart is begging, Su Qi, please, let me fall in love with you, fall in love with you without hesitation, and fall in love with you...

Just like Dongyu, let me like you!

I also want to... like you.

Su Qi was silent for a few seconds.

I doubt if he started to be embarrassed, so he said, "Is it very reluctant? If it is very stubborn, even if it is!"

Said, I turned and wanted to go.

Su Qi hugged me nervously behind her and said quickly, "No!"


He pulled my body, put on my face, smiled brightly. "Even if there is only a little hope, I will not give up! Xia Chun, be my girlfriend!"

I cried again and smiled and promised him.

I am also serious, really seriously want to cooperate with him.

He couldn't feel my other emotions, he was excited and inexplicable, immersed in the joy, holding my face and smiling and asking, "So, can I kiss my girlfriend now?"

Unlike the hegemony at first sight, he was asking for my opinion.

I looked at his eyes and felt that his eyes were exceptionally good, like black jade agate. At this moment, I feel as if I want to **** my soul!

I did not dare to look directly into his eyes, blushing and lowering his head, covering his mouth, nodding his head gently, smiling lightly, the next second, he bullied me, kissed my lips, cautiously, like Is to treat a treasure of treasure. He lifted my squat, bowed and kissed me.

I also responded to him slyly, like a devout student, kissing him like he kissed me.

But the deeper he kisses, the more my heartbeat is like a dead pool. There is no wave, no water, no heart, no heartbeat.

His lips are soft and warm, not the same as Dongyu.

Dongyu's lips are thin and slightly traced with a trace of cold.

A passion is like a fire.

An indifference like ice.

It can give people a feeling, but after all, it is different!

Su Qi kissed me, but I didn't have any special feelings. The heartbeat didn't seem to be too intense.

In front of me, I couldn't help but see the scene when I was kissing with Dongyu. In the music classroom, in the grove of the campfire, we tasted each other's lips. The heartbeat at that time seemed to shatter the eardrum.

At that time, my heart beat as fast as a thunder.


I am going to be indistinguishable, which kiss is the way to fall in love, which kind of heartbeat is the rhythm that should be in love.

I only know that I responded to him seriously, but my heart was desperate to fall.

Which kind of feeling is the feeling of kissing?


After becoming Su Qi’s girlfriend, life suddenly changed.

Overnight, our relationship seems to be known to all the students. Su Qi can't wait to tell the story to the world. The next day, it spread throughout the campus.

Everyone knows that I became Su Qi’s girlfriend.

Sitting in the classroom and walking on the playground, I can feel the enlightenment, envy, and scrutiny of those eyes when they fall on me.

The name Su Qi can be described as a man of the wind.

Because our school is very close to the height, Su Qi's family is good, people are handsome, tall and tall, almost the Prince Charming of all girls.

(End of this chapter)

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