Chapter 2991 Green Fruit 51

As a result, the popularity of my class in the class was very bleak, and as a result, no one dared to approach me.

Boys dare not approach, in order to avoid suspicion.

The girl alienated me. Some people probably felt that they were in love when they were in junior high school. It was ridiculous and very deviant.

Some feel that I have tarnished the name Su Qi and I don't deserve to be friends with them.

But I don't care.

At that time, I expected Su Qi to be my salvation. I hope he can take me out of a certain circle, I hope he can take me away, Dongyu brings me to the world of despair.

I really want to love him.

I really want to fall in love with this big, sunny boy. Then, with him, he appears in front of Dongyu with a confident look. He smiles and says, my brother, I am in love.

This is my boyfriend.

Everyone in the school knows that Su Qi and I are in love, and Dong Yu is no exception.

Therefore, on the night of school, I went to the school gate. I didn't see Su Qi, but I saw a wintery look.

He carried a bag, his clothes were messy, his original docile black hair, rebelliously covered his eyes, his face had obvious bruises, and it was not conspicuous. When he saw it carefully, he could fight.

I was a little surprised. I walked over and just wanted to ask if he was fighting. He grabbed my wrist and questioned me. "You are in contact with Su Qi, is it true?!"

"Yeah." I pretended to go back easily. "You know."

"Is he forced you!?"

Dongyu looks very angry, making me even more helpless.

I don't know why he is so angry, he shouldn't be happy! ?

I finally got rid of me, and finally I don’t have to be entangled in me anymore. Shouldn’t he be happy? !

I smiled calmly. "I confessed to him last night. It happened. He also liked me for a long time. I wished for a hatchback. No one forced anyone."

"You are crazy!?"

Dong Yu angered, "I thought you were taking Su Qi as a brother. You are still in junior high school. Do you know what kind of guy Su Qi is, be a friend, and exchange is another!"

"I know. He is tall, handsome, handsome and sunny, and has a good relationship. Moreover, he is very loyal. The key is that it is good for me and will be a good boyfriend!"

Dongyu was obviously not very vocal in my big voice. He was anxiously screaming, and his eyebrows squatted tightly, and suddenly caught me.

"Have you kissed?"

I nodded.

He glanced at him and chased after him. " have other intimacy..."

When he asked half, he felt that he was cramped and didn't ask any more.

I feel embarrassed, my face is hot, because I suddenly guess what he wants to ask.

To be straightforward, he wants to ask me if Su Qi has gone to bed.

At that time, I didn't know what kind of purpose, and asked numbly, "If I said, is there?"


Dongyu suddenly lost control and asked coldly, "Is it to retaliate against me!?"

"Retaliation? Why should I retaliate against you?"

I responded for a few seconds, "Oh," and smiled coolly. "Do you think that I am angry with your girlfriend?"

I smiled and said, "Don't think about it, no."

Said, I turned my head and wanted to go.

Because I am afraid that I will face him again, my eyes will be sour.

He folded, took the bicycle, caught up, grabbed the shoulder strap of my bag and said, "Get on the bus!"

(End of this chapter)

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