Chapter 2992 Green Fruit 52

He folded, took the bicycle, caught up, grabbed the shoulder strap of my bag and said, "Get on the bus!"

I am a little angry and said, "I will go back!"

"Xia Chun, get on the bus!"

Dongyu seems to be very persistent, "Don't force me to get angry!"

I listened, and my mood was even worse.

Get angry?

What qualifications does he have to get angry! ?

What am I doing wrong? ?

Why can he have a girlfriend, and I am associated with other boys, but it needs his approval and approval! ?

Why? ?

I don't feel reconciled, I don't look at him with my head twisted.

He has to say something, but I saw it not far away. Su Qi came to me with a car. He also saw Dongyu, like deliberate, until he rode to me, only brakes, wheels and winter. Yu’s bicycle is standing in the air, more like a kind of confrontation.

Dongyu saw him, his face was even more ugly, "Get out."

Su Qi ignored him and said to me, "Get on the bus."

Dongyu airway, "Su Qi, you forgot me to warn you!?"

Without waiting for him to finish the conversation, I put the bag into Su Qi’s rut, then went to the back seat, hugged his waist, and turned a blind eye to Dongyu’s anger. He said to Su Qi, “I want to drink soda. ""

"Well, I invite you to drink."

Su Qi said as she waited for Dongyu. In his cold eyes, Su Qi turned to the front of the car and carried me away.

I have not looked back.

Dongyu did not catch up.

I think he must be disappointed with me.

That night, from the K song room, Su Qi sent me home, before he left, he pulled my back and pulled me to the front, how the smile on the face could not converge!

"Is this going? Is there any point?"

I asked, "What does it mean?"

Su Qi scraped my nose, "No longer kiss?"

My face was very hot and shyly turned around. Yu Guang looked at my balcony and seemed to be standing alone.

I couldn't help but carry it, and I fell on the balcony and watched the figure downstairs.

The night was too dark, I didn't see it too clearly, but I could have guessed his identity.

I bit my lip and suddenly turned and looked at Su Qi.

Su Qi’s disappointing face, because of my turn, was revived in an instant.

I sighed, "Stupid!"

Then, approached him, walked up to him, gently picked up his toes, grabbed his shoulders and offered a kiss.

He is too tall, compared to his height of one meter eight, I am one meter six, it seems a little petite.


After Su Qi left, I went back and couldn't see the figure on the balcony.

After returning home, I passed through the room of Dongyu, and the steps stopped and suddenly woke up, and the behavior of my own was simply terrible.

I don't know the purpose of doing this. What is it to stimulate people?

I went to the balcony again and stood in the position where Dongyu was standing. From this angle, I could completely see the scene just now.

I just want to show it purely, without him, I can.

Since that incident, both me and Dongyu have been alienated from each other.

I don't know if he is deliberately alienating me, or I am deliberately alienating him. I have ridiculed myself more than once. The tacit understanding of my brothers and sisters is vividly reflected at this moment.

Sometimes when I was out of school, I deliberately passed through a high door, and I could see Dongyu and Lin Li walking side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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