Chapter 2998 Green Fruit 60

I saw his face squint and his eyes froze.



I held my arm and didn't want him to touch me, just didn't want to dirty his hand.

I feel that I am dirty, squatting on my body, and I can't wash the stains. In my mind, Dongyu is so unacceptable, I don't want to dirty his hands.

But he seems to have misunderstood what I meant. I heard the word that came out of my mouth, the hand that was deadlocked in the air, and slowly took it back.

I saw his eyes faint, no glory, even... unspeakable loss.

It seems to be asking, how did you become like this?

I can't stand the look of him, bowed his head and slammed helplessly.

I don't know how long he stood in the place, but he didn't know how much he looked at me and examined how long it took.

I only saw that he suddenly turned and then left. Although Han Han repeatedly stayed, he left without returning.

Han Han chased him out of the door, I don't know how long it took, and when I came back and looked at me, I was blind.

"Xia Chun, what the **** are you doing?! You can't say a word, not a word. What happened in the evening?!"

I don't talk, I only know that Dongyu is gone, but I can think about it, let's go, the farther the better, don't... go back.

I don't need him to manage it.

In the evening, I still didn't eat, and Han Hao couldn't persuade me. I was indifferent and made her collapse!

Just when she was at a loss, her mother was shouting outside: "Hey, someone is looking for you!"

Han Hao went out. After a few minutes, the door was pushed open again, but I noticed that the footsteps that came in were a bit different.

I finally looked up, but I saw Su Qi walked into the room with a blank face. He saw me. He had been in the same place for a long time before he came to me.

He reached out and wanted to hold me.

I was surprisingly not pushing him away like pushing Dongyu.

I only remember that when he was about to hug me, my head was blank, I couldn’t think of anything, I couldn’t think of anything.

Later, I realized that maybe I needed a warm embrace at that time.

I want the warmth, Su Qi can't give it.

But Dongyu can give me the warmth, but I dare not expect it.

Except for Su Qi, I don't know who else can give me such warmth.

When he hugged me, my tears almost burst out of the air, and it was like a dyke, and I couldn’t hold it anymore.

Maybe it was my tears, my repressed cry, and his heart was like a knife.

He hugged me in pain, his throat whimpered. "I am not good, don't cry!"

I heard this sentence and the more I cried.

I asked him, "Why did you leave me yesterday?"

I almost asked this question under the impulse.

He was all froze, like the blood of the whole body, and it was frozen!

This, for him, is undoubtedly a knife that pierces his heart.

He glared at my shoulder and his voice trembled. "I am not good... I should not leave you yesterday!"

I repeatedly questioned him desperately, "Why are you even leaving me?"




"Why should you leave me?"


"Su Qi... I didn't play with you, really."


He didn't even know what happened that night. He only understood it. I was asking him why he was throwing me alone.

(End of this chapter)

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