Chapter 2999 Green Fruit 61

Su Qi held me and apologized at a loss.

"I will never leave you again!"

I cried even more, and I thought, if the time can really be reversed, how good is it?

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, and there is no time machine.

I can't shuttle back to the past, and I can't overturn something.

But I don't blame him.

Because, in fact, I am self-sufficient.

Probably I am more extreme in my bones. I know that I like an impossible person, but I still have to be eager to try, repeatedly questioning this proposition, and finally I have to make myself bruises.

Su Qi is also a victim, and I have any qualifications to blame.

In the evening, he accompanied me home. In the past, he just sent me downstairs, but this time, I was not only downstairs, worried that I would enter the house, and it must be a storm.

Su Qi saw that I was hesitant to go upstairs. He suddenly took my hand and said, "Don't be afraid, there is me."

I listened, it is even more embarrassing.

In this case, Dongyu did not know how many times I said it to me.

There are many desperate moments, but he is not with me.

I don't know, what is the credibility of Su Qi's sentence?

It is because it is too young, and some heavy promises are spoken casually.

The promise at that time was really a commitment, but if I did not fulfill my promise, I was really unable to perform it.

I also became convinced from the beginning and became cautious.

Su Qi took my hand and the two walked up the stairs in tandem and knocked on the door.

When I opened the door, my mother, when I saw me, I reached out and grabbed my collar and pulled me back home. Su Qi saw it and scared it over. She protected me from her hands and blocked her. I was in front of me and said, "Auntie, calm down!"

"Who are you again??" My mother saw him and was even more angry.

Dad came out of the study, and when I saw me, my face was a little bit wrong, worried, distressed, angry, and mischievous.

Dongyu saw me in the living room, but suddenly stood up and entered the study.

My heart suddenly fell.

Su Qi looked back at me and looked at my mother again. She said lowly, "My name is Su Qi, it is... Xia Chun's boyfriend."

"What!? Boyfriend!?"

Mother couldn't accept it, and angered. "What joke are you doing?! Our family is still in junior high school, boyfriend!? When is the matter!?"

"We have been ... for a year."

Su Qi took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry. But I really like Xia Chun! If I can, I will consider getting married with her when Xia Chun successfully goes to college!"


Just kidding.

I suddenly felt that his hand was hot, and he suddenly shrank back and said angrily, "Su Qi, don't talk about it, we have broken up."

I thought about the night again, and I felt even more embarrassed. When I got out of it, my whole life seemed to be overwhelming. Even between me and Su Qi, there was a subtle change.

I dare not expect it. I am married to him and become ridiculous.

Perhaps the word "breakup" makes her mother feel unreasonable. She is furious and angry. "Yin Xiachun! How old do you think!? Fall in love, break up?! You still miss the book, but also want to take high school!?"

I am bored.

Su Qi swallowed her voice and said, "Auntie, falling in love will not affect her entrance exam! I swear!"

(End of this chapter)

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