Chapter 3088 3237 Century Wedding 14

"my God!"

Lu Yuyu exclaimed, "This is doing a hundred push-ups in a row, the arms are going to be abolished, and how to hold the bride!"

There was a voice of flower brocade inside. "Not only the groom, but the best man has to do it."

When Jiang Yan heard it, suddenly the wind was messy and the voice was lowered. "Boss, it is not a good job to say that this best man is good. I am really convinced!"

"Less nonsense!"

Mu Yazhe handed him the flowers, "I will hold it for me!"

Jiang Yan took over the bouquet and saw that Mu Yazhe squatted on the ground without saying anything, and started push-ups one by one.

Lu Yu’s reputation was cold and sweaty. When he thought that he would do a hundred push-ups later, he felt that his legs were soft.

One hundred push-ups are by no means easy and simple. Rao is the physique of Mu Yazhe. When the 80th push-ups are achieved, a handsome face rises red and sweats.

Miyazaki carefully counted through the cat's eyes until Mu Yazhe finished a hundred push-ups. He said, "The best man can start doing it."

Jiang Yan and Lu Yu reputation, and suddenly the urge to run away.

Mu Yazhe swept his eyes, "Don't hurry?"

The boss spoke up, aren't they taking the pants right away? !

Lu Yuyu also loosely loosened the waistband of the loose pants. He looked at him with a look of retreat. He looked at Mu Yazhe with a grudge and glanced at the ground and started to do it.

Qin Zhou felt bitter at the side and shouted unwillingly. "Why don't you say that you are so early, when your best man is so tossed?"

"Do not talk nonsense, one hundred, do it quickly."


Qin Zhou was so upset that he had a stomachache. He patted his stomach and secretly encouraged himself to smack on his face.

Three poor groomsmen made push-ups on the ground one after another. At the beginning, there was still a model. It was a standard, but gradually, later, physical strength was not enough, especially Jiang Yan. These days were neglected to exercise, and I felt that I was 80. At the time, it was no longer a push-up.

It’s salted fish.

Lu Yuyu was the first to finish. After getting up, he sat down on the ground, a little doubtful about life.

Mu Yazhe handed over the handkerchief in a thoughtful manner, and Lu Yu was taken over by the powerlessness, leaning against the wall, regardless of the demeanor.

Jiang Yan and Qin Zhou were finished at the same time. Two people finished, and they were also crying like tears. Qin Zhou said, "I have never done so many push-ups in my life!"

Mu Yazhe looked at the door and asked, "Can you enter the door?"

The voice of the palace was heard lightly. "Where is this simple thing?"


After a while, Jiang Yan was afraid. "Isn't it going to be a moth?"

Gong Gongdao, "Do another hundred sit-ups!"

Lu Yu’s reputation was almost fell to the ground.

Qin Zhou is able to understand, close to the side of Mu Yazhe, Shen Sheng, "Mu total, I can see it, what is his attempt for you?"


"The little nephew of your family just wants you to bow down with him for mercy! He may be able to let you in!"

"beg for mercy?"

Mu Yazhe heard that this Qin Zhou was gone with him!

Indeed, he and the palace have always been tit-for-tat.

This time there was such an opportunity, he made it clear that he would not let him easily enter the door.

However, want him to beg for mercy?

He can't marry his wish!

"Is a hundred sit-ups?"

Seeing the chapter comments, many readers sent blessings, and the flowers are really touched~~~~~ Love you?~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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