Chapter 3089 3238 Century Wedding 15

Under the gaze of Lu Yuyu and Jiang Yan, Mu Yazhe sat on the ground and told him, "Come personally press me."

Qin Zhou immediately went over and pressed him down.

Mu Yazhe clasped the back of his head with both hands and began to sit up.

Lu Yuyu saw the cold sweat and Jinjin, and inside the door, Gong Yi urged him to say, "The best man also has to do it."

Jiang Yan cried for help, "Little scorpion! Forgive me!"

The palace is cold and cold, "Who is your little sister!"

Jiang Yan took a forehead, oh, it seems that it can't be called, it's a mess.

He slammed on the door and cried. "No matter who, keep the door! Nothing to play with! One hundred push-ups are finished. My legs are soft! One more sit-ups, I still jump from the upstairs. Let's go!"

"Jump, it will be on the second floor anyway."

Lu Yuyu posted on the door to discuss, "Brothers, think about it, wait until your wife's day, if your wife and brother are waiting at the door to ask you to do a hundred push-ups, you can't eat!"

Miyazaki dislikes, "For me, a hundred push-ups are nothing to say, you are too weak."

Weak chicken! ?

Lu Yuyu and Jiang Yan listened, didn't buy it.

"He actually said that we are weak chickens?"

"No! Prove to show them! One hundred sit-ups are also small cases!"

After that, Lu Yuyu sat on the ground, letting Jiang Yan press his foot and snoring and sitting up.

When everyone had finished, Mu Yazhe stood at the door, but the palace still had no plans to put the door.

Xiao Xue ran out of the boudoir and walked over to the palace. He saw that the poor groom had not been put in, and he could not laugh. "Small, you still don't let people go? Don't let the bride wait too long."

Miyazaki, "Tell me for my sister, the bride, hold a little."

Xiao Xue, "..."

In the end, Mu Mu ran out to plead, and Gong Yi was barely able to open the door and let Yazhe enter the door.

As soon as Mu Yazhe walked into the door, he was so powerful that Hua Jin was scared by the gas field on his body and immediately surrendered with his hands. "Brother, this is definitely not my idea!"

Miyazaki is proud of his head and abandoning the tunnel. "I have let you go today."

Mu Yazhe, "..."

Lu Yuyue saw that Mu Yazhe had a sweat on his face and quickly stepped forward to wipe him.

"It's tired, brother-in-law." Gong Yi also smiled, but his eyes were very bad.

Mu Yazhe stared at him for a long while, his face was tense, and he smiled again and again. "You wait, you will have today."

Miyazaki also replied with a smile, "wait and see."

Mu Yazhe went to the door of the room, knocked on the door, and the voice twitched softly. "Wife, I am coming."

In the room, Mu Xi heard the approaching footsteps, but even more nervous than Yun Shishi, until Mu Yazhe's gentle voice suddenly clung to the door, she subconsciously went to open the door.

Xiao Xue quickly stopped her.

"What are you doing?"


Mu Xi reacted and immediately retracted his hand.

Xiao Xueyan said, "I can't open the door now! How can I see the bride so simple?"

"A Xue."

Outside the door, Mu Yazhe gently called her name, "obedient, open the door."

Xiao Xue was fascinated by his extremely magnetic voice, and he also subconsciously reached out to open the door.

Jun ink eyes stopped quickly, and said, "Xiao Xue, you will not make a fool?"

(End of this chapter)

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