Chapter 3090 3239 Century Wedding 16

Mu Yazhe reached out and touched the bridge gently, which seemed to be a little tricky.

The Qin Zhou around him pushed him away, and Jiang Yan and Lu Yu immediately rushed to the door and slammed the door.

"Open the door and open the door!"

"The bride opens the door!!"

Yu You and Xiao Yuchen only hid the red high heels, went to the door, heard the voice of Mu Yazhe, and secretly smiled.

"Red envelope! Red envelope!"

Mu Yazhe heard, secret: these two little guys!

Say good, it should be external! ?

He turned his head and ordered Qin Zhoudao, "The red envelope."

Qin Zhou quickly squatted down, and a seal sent the red envelope to the door.

Xiao Yuchen’s greedy way, “Not enough! Just want to send us a red envelope?”

Qin Zhou continued to work hard until the red envelopes in his hands were stuffed in, and still could not pass customs.

Jiang Yan was pitiful and shouted outside. "Da! You are poor and poor boss! The boss is not tortured by a small scorpion. He has done more than a hundred push-ups and sit-ups, and he is so tired!"

Yun Shishi sat on the bed, heard the sound, grinning.

She had already expected that Xiaoxiao would not let him come in so easily!

She didn't know where she was, so this made Xiaoxue and Mu Xi pray in the past. Xiao Yan listened to her words before she let go of Mu Yazhe.

However, at the entrance to the boudoir, there is still a ridge!

Junmo asked through the door, "Groom, do you know the bride's measurements?"

There was a buzzing sound outside the door, and Yun Shishi suddenly made a red face.

At the wedding, the bridesmaid is guarding the door. If the bridegroom welcomes the family, it is necessary to make a few innocuous problems. This problem is not harsh, but it is just a lively atmosphere.

Mu Yazhe smiled slightly, but said, "Know, but it is not convenient to disclose."

"Is it inconvenient to disclose or not?"

"Of course I know."


Xiao Xue commented, "Poetry, your husband really protects you."

"There are so many groomsmen outside the door, Mu will definitely not say it." Mu Xi said again.

Jun Mo also said, "Groom, the bride asked if you have anything to say to her?"

Yun Shishi immediately pleaded, "Jun Mo, I have not said so."

"Hey!" Jun Mo gestured her voice.

I heard the gentle voice of Mu Yazhe outside the door. "Poetry, I love you!"

Such a direct confession is undoubtedly bold and enthusiastic for a man who has always been reserved and restrained!

Qin Zhou was not satisfied, saying, "Mu Zong, you are so a sentence, can't pass!"

Mu Yazhe smiled, "I haven't finished yet!"

Everyone breathes.

I listened to him slowly. "In the past, I dared to say 'I like you,' because the words 'I love you' are too strange and too heavy. But from today, I will tell you every day. "I love you." I have always been poorly expressed, and you have suffered a lot of grievances! We have been through the roads and experienced ups and downs, because my character is always not good at words, not sweet, but you know? Every time I see you, my heart is saying to you, 'I love you,' whether you hear it or not."

Jun Mo and Xiao Xue looked at each other and were moved by his true feelings.

Yun Shi poetry is also a bit embarrassing, but also moved very much, could not help but red eyes, could not help but recall the bits and pieces since their acquaintance, every scene is like a lantern, a scene flashed in front of her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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