Chapter 3123 Chapter 3273 Fengyun Mutation 6

In other words, the reason why the Hurricane Group is frightening is because the Hurricane Group holds the biggest say in the war.

Miyazaki looked deep and looked at Youyou, and smiled at the lips. "Yousuke, you are more and more eye-catching."

"To each other."

The palace slammed the front and turned. "But, ambition, you are better than me. So far, your ‘emptiness theory' is the most crazy plan I have ever seen.”

“My ‘eyes’ plan was originally intended to maintain world peace.”

"Oh? Why do you see it, once the ‘Tianyan’ plan is successfully developed, it will really be world peace.”

The palace was paused and said again, "In this world, people's ambitions never end. The history of mankind is how long it has been, and how long the war history exists. People's ambitions are never ending. Ancient wars In order to seize power, today, in order to win resources. The war in Africa and the Middle East is due to the rich minerals and oil and natural gas."

"The ambition of man is indeed endless. Even if the earth is destroyed, the sky is still there."

Youyou both hands and arms, smiled and said: "The river will dry up, the land will be exhausted, but the vast sky, there will be no day of destruction. Once you master the control of the sky, you are truly in control of the world. Who Taking the lead in getting the 'air power' is the ability to dominate the world. By then, world peace is no longer a question of who has the final say."

Gong Gong looked at him, the child in front of him, the snow jade is lovely, the pink cheeks, like the jade of the same.

It is hard to imagine that such a word is from the mouth of such a child.

Fortunately, such a child is his nephew, otherwise it is hard to imagine how terrible it would be if such a guy became an enemy.

The trip on the sea is relatively long compared to the aircraft. The freighter needs to stop at the port of Vitoman in the middle of the round, deliver a batch of orders, and then rush to the Hurricane headquarters.

However, Yuyou was the first to take the freighter, so he was curious about everything on board.

Gong Yi will also mention some escorts with him. When the fire, there are some interesting things happening at sea.

"One time I passed the Somali Strait and met a group of robbers who didn't know how to live. They chased and intercepted. We hijacked our cargo ships and forced boarding."

Youyou listened, and his face was stunned. "These islands are really fat, dare to hijack the Hurricane Group?"

"On that day, the ship did not fly the flag."

In general, the logo of the Hurricane Group will be hung on the freighter, and even if the island is arrogant, it will not be arrogant.

It was only that day, unfortunately, the flag was blown away by the sea breeze. The pirates saw such a large freighter and they mourned.

Somali pirates, the most notorious in the sea.

This is a group of criminals who robbed other countries' ships at sea. With the outbreak of the civil war in Somalia, the piracy activities in the Aden Bay area have become more frequent. There have been many hijackings and even violent killings of crew members.

Among them, the most tarnished teams, the Puntland Guard, Merka.

You You also learned about some evil deeds in Somalia.

Somalia is one of the least developed countries in the world. Its industrial base is weak, its economy is weak, and with the influence of war, the economic recession is even worse.

Everyone who goes out to sea knows Somali pirates, but the Gulf of Aden is often the only way for many routes.

(End of this chapter)

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