Chapter 3124 3274 Fengyun Mutation 7

Some time ago, the news was also revealed. A Chinese cargo ship approached the Gulf of Aden, was hijacked by Somali pirates, the property on the cargo ship was robbed, the crew was shot, the captain was hijacked, and the government was involved in negotiations. However, the issue of remuneration and negotiation failed. The captain was directly torn off.

This incident has also become the biggest zhengzhi crisis in the history of the country. The nationals have weak negotiations on zhengfu and have complained.

"What then?"

"After they got on the boat, they regretted it."


Youyou’s heart is silently groaning, and he must die very badly.

Those poor islands, eagerly boarded the freighters, and greeted them, but they faced several of their cannons. The palace slammed them and blew them directly into ash. The remaining islands wanted to run. As a result, the small ship was directly sunk by the armed cargo ship of the palace.

Hit the sink...

Just imagine the picture, it is enough to be thrilling.

"It’s really embarrassing to start."

The palace is innocent. "They have to give heads, and I can't help."


The next day, the freighter arrived at the port of Vidman.

The trading time is at eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and the location is in the port of Minghai. There is still half an hour to the appointment.

Miyagase originally left Yuyou to wear it, but Yuyou said that he would meet him in the world.

Gong Gong did not object.

The object of the deal with the hurricane is a Russian army. The fire merchant, named Dimon, is a middle-aged man in his fifties. The former Sulian Air Force once served in the former Soviet Union contingent of the peacekeeping force.

After the disintegration of Sulian, he started his own business by selling the military arsenal. He said that it was not big, but it was not small. He mainly focused on the East Asian army. The fire market has a small sales network in the East Asian Army. It is a small giant.

For many years, there have been transactions with the hurricane, and it has also been an old customer who has been a hurricane for decades.

Youyou mentioned this man on the boat and listened to the palace. It is a man of tyranny and greed. This is a greedy nature. This is the unique nature of the businessman. There is no danger other than the others.

In his eyes, the military huo merchants are actually the same as ordinary businessmen. They all do business. They all rely on selling goods to make money. There is no difference. However, the goods sold by the military huo are more dangerous.

Youyou asked: "Hey, what is the content of this transaction?"

Miyazaki returned: "The traded goods included 300 grenade, 5,000 rifles, 10,000 pistols and 100,000 rifle bullets, and traded 8 million yuan."

He said, he took out a few documents from the briefcase. "Everything has been negotiated with Dimon, handing over the money and receiving the goods in one hand."

Youyou nodded, no longer talking, darkly lining up to end the transaction early, so that he could go back to sleep, he can now be trapped.

A row of black cars slowly drove into the port with two large trucks.

When Dai Meng rushed to the dock with all his men, through the window, he could see the huge and huge cargo ship far away, and he could see the pedestrian standing in front of the pier at a glance.

Late at night, the coolness is heavy, and today's port is shrouded in the moonlight, which is particularly embarrassing.

The car steadily docked at the dockside. Three men in black suits got off the bus and greeted them. The one who was at the forefront was the one who traded with her this time, Dimon, and behind him, he followed him to protect him. A full bodyguard and three freighters.

(End of this chapter)

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