Chapter 3126 3276 Fengyun Mutation 9

Dimon smiled and said: "The value of this batch of arms weapons is only one million. The transaction amount is two million. I am very sincere."

In the heart, I thought about it, and the palace screamed: "Jason, check the contract."

Jason nodded and was about to check the contents of the contract. Dimon smiled and said: "The exact transaction amount is not stated on the contract."

So, is it a temporary price adjustment?

Miyazaki raised his face in a sly manner, his eyes suddenly sullen, but he still raised his smile and asked: "So, Mr. Dimon wants to play word games with me?"

Dimon quickly waved his hand, "Oh! I don't mean this!"

"What do you mean?"

Dai Meng smiled and said: "I am also an old customer of the Hurricane Group. I have revealed to you that there is no shortage of military and fire dealers in the country. The weapons and ammunition they sell are all known for their low prices. However, I am watching the hurricane. With many years of friendship with me, I have been dealing with you since the beginning with a sincere heart! This transaction gold is already very kind."

"Mr.Dimon, as a businessman, the most important criterion is not sincerity? Do you want to violate it?"

"This is the case. The last batch of troops. A group of fires had problems during the transportation process, which caused me to lose two million in vain. Therefore, this transaction was reduced by two million."

Gong Yi did not sell the bill, the psychological is that this old and undead guy has long been thinking that he wants to get more oil from her body.

He did not change the color of the desert eagle in his hand, and once he pulled it up, he said indifferently: "There is a Chinese saying that a penny is worth the goods, and you don't know what you call the low-priced army. Which fire is from? Second-hand three-handed in the battle pit?"

Eight million, one point can not be less.

This Dimon is really an old tycoon, dare to play with him? Looking for death?

Dimon smiled, his eyes bent, the lines at the end of his eyes wrinkled together, and the gentle smile on the surface, but the eyes were shimmering with the unique blackmail and insidiousness of the merchant. "The six million, one point can not be more It!"

The palace slammed the lips and violently raised the pistol in his hand, precisely aiming at his eyebrows. The chilly phoenix phoenix dangerously condensed a cold edge, and the lips were like laughing and laughing.

"you wanna die."

When Dimon was on the horror, he stepped back a few steps in a panic, and the bodyguards behind him immediately pointed out the guns and aligned them at the same time, and Dimon was behind them.

Miyazaki raised his arrogance arrogantly, and Yu Guang glanced at them indifferently, and grinned with disdain.

At the same time, Jason was in front of him, and the other ones were fully armed and the guns were aligned to Dimon.

The two sides were arrogant, and the guns were facing each other. The atmosphere suddenly seemed to be a string of shocking bows, and the tension was so tight that even the air suddenly suffocated!

Dimon stood behind two tall bodyguards and asked in amazement: "What do you want?!"

Miyazaki played with her lips and faintly said: "I have a bad temper, dare to bargain with me, you are looking for death."

Dimon still has a lingering fear. The eyes of Miyazaki's pair of sharp and fierce swords seem to pierce his heart at a glance. Rao has seen the big scene and was scared by this look!

He also looked at the strong and sturdy subordinates behind the palace, and at first glance he was a man who had undergone rigorous training and his skills were extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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