Chapter 3127 3277 Fengyun Mutation 10

This time he only brought two bodyguards. Once they fight, they are the fate of being killed.

Dimon finished the whole coat and gestured to the two men in front of him to put down the gun. Dimon immediately said with a smile: "We are loyal friends! Don't hurt for the two million."

Gong Gongdao, "eight million, one point can not be less, signed."

To be precise from a certain angle, his words are more like a hegemonic order.

Dimon nodded and reluctantly sighed and signed a contract.

He turned and shouted, and in a short while, he handed another suitcase to his hand, which contained two million dollars.

The rest is to tell the freighters to carry the goods.

Miyazaki nodded in front of the car door and ordered a cigarette.

Yu You looked at the containers that had been removed from the freighter, and the eyes fell slightly.

Three hundred grenades, five thousand rifles, and 100,000 rounds of bullets. How many killings does this mean?

Just when a group of people were busy, Dimon’s cell phone rang, and he picked up the phone in an impatient manner. He didn’t speak, and he shouted anxiously: “Boss! The big thing is not good!”

Dimon was vigilant: "What happened?"

The call was made by one of his four major escorts. Before the transaction, Dimon arranged him to slap on the highway crossing one kilometer away from the port to cope with other situations.

"The Interpol from New York has just passed the direction of the port!"

Dimon’s smog was so cold that he coughed for a while and his eyes were incredibly rounded: "What?! Interpol?!"

"Yes! Interpol, and there is also one of the highest inspections of the international anti-terrorist coalition!"

"Several people?"

"There are only five people in the driver!"

Dimon was so angry that his eyes were red, and he cursed a low voice. He yelled: "Why don't you give me ventilation earlier? Just call now, don't you think it's too late?!"

"They just passed, so I am being interrogated."

The men are quite helpless. These Americans from New York are really not good at dealing with them. He said that he just rounded up. No, the policemen just drove away and he rushed to report.

"That is, they are coming to the port?"

The man replied nervously: "Yes! Listen to one of the chiefs saying that it is chasing a suspicious freighter illegally going to Si..."

Dimon hangs up the phone.

Miyazaki heard the whole process of communication between the two people, the eyes were chilly and sullen, and Yu Guang squinted at Dimon, who stood in the distance, and his face was gloomy!


Dimon nodded in a panic.

If it is only a local police station, it is really no need to worry, but if the alarmed Interpol, then the end can be much more serious.

Transnational illegal smuggling of arms, but a very serious crime, the case was lightly judged for more than a decade, the plot is heavy, directly to the bullet.

Illegal smuggling of tens of thousands of bullets and more than 100 guns is called extraordinarily large. Then, with the arms of the arms he traded, the bullets of the cockroaches can smash a pot of porridge! Can die dozens of back and forth!

"They are chasing your freighter!"

Dimon is mad and ruined, "MR Palace, it will not be that you brought these Americans to you!?"

There will be important people here, so... who will it be? Some readers asked the title of the sudden change of the situation, emmmm... In fact, it is related to Youyou~~

(End of this chapter)

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