Chapter 3362, Adding to the Scenery 125

My nephew was red and red, "Big white, how are you!"

When she paused, she suddenly raised a bright smile, and some of her back was behind her back, nervously asking, "Big white, can I, hug you!"

Dabai smashed his head and looked very cute on the surface. However, in the doll costume, a man with a knife and a face was depressed.

He is the least good at dealing with children!

However, even so, on the side, Xiao Bao contemptuously despised him, as if he dared to refuse, it was not polite!

Dabai immediately opened his arms and said gently, "Of course!"

The face of the child became more and more red, but he smiled happily toward the big white!


Upstairs, Gu Jinglian looked at the dolls and imps in the garden silently, and his face was cloudy.

Originally, stupidly stupid, such a stupid and idiotic stupid son, is enough to make him burnt!

Today, a group of bear children are being put together.

Especially in Xiaobao class, there are several naughty children, who are fooling around in the courtyard, and they climbed up the rockery with great hands and feet. Below is the pool water. Fubo stood under the rockery and tried to find them down.

"I just don't come down! Just don't come down!"

"Wow! There are so many fish in the pool!"

"The fish is so cute! I want to touch it!"

A group of children squatted by the pool and looked around.

Gu Jinglian raised her eyebrows and her ears, and it was not the sound of the children, as if thousands of mosquitoes were flying around his ears.

So he said that he hates the big devil of Bean Ding, especially annoying!

To say Gu Jinglian, he used to be less like a bear child.

At first, he didn't have much patience with Xiaobao. However, after getting used to it for a while, after getting used to this guy, he sometimes felt very cute.

Although it is really annoying when it is annoying.

However, it is his son.

However, other children, he may not have half the patience to deal with!

Gu Jinglian closed the window and returned to the study. After a while, Fu Bo walked upstairs and knocked on the door and said, "Master, I will cut the cake soon!"

"I don't have to come out!" Gu Jinglian impatiently.

When I think about going down the stairs to cut the cake, I have to face dozens of small fools, and he feels very troublesome.

"This... not so good? You are the father of Xiaobao after all, Xiaobao’s birthday, you are not there, it will inevitably... it will make the little guy unhappy!”

Gu Jinglian, "..."

He rubbed his eyebrows with a little exhaustion and stood up.


Ten minutes later, Gu Jinglian appeared downstairs, just happened to see Chu He pushing the three-tiered cake tower slowly into the restaurant.

The restaurant is very large, and now there are ten tables, four children have a table, and only Xiaobao and a nephew sit at a table!

The table is full of hearty dishes, fruits, desserts, and a variety of food, but the children are dismissive!

They are looking forward to the cake, so the food in front of them does not attract their eyes!

Everyone is looking around and looking forward!

Until Chu He pushed the cake tower slowly into the restaurant, the beautifully sold cakes fell into the eyes of the youngsters, causing great incitement!

Everyone has never seen such a beautiful and beautiful cake!

The children here are rich in family. However, it is not the birthday of anyone who spends thousands of dollars to customize such a expensive cake.

(End of this chapter)

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