Chapter 3363 Adding to the Scenery 126

This is what Fubert intends to do.

He found that Xiaobao especially liked Dabai. Therefore, he sent his men to inquire about it in advance, found the highest cake shop in Beijing, and booked the cake half a month in advance.

The cake tower has three layers, each layer is covered with chocolate, the top layer, the white germination made with the sugar paste is full, 100% restore the cartoon image in the movie!

"Wow! Beautiful cake!"

Many children have widened their eyes with envy, until Chu He pushed the cake to the most central position, many children are already drooling!

Gu Jinglian just entered the restaurant and heard the cheers like the sea!

"Great white!"

"Beautiful cake!"

"Ah, I want that white!"


Gu Jinglian was shocked by the noise and blew his head!

Chu He immediately said, "Xiao Bao, still not coming up? Quickly divide the cake!"

Xiao Bao Fang came over and began to look for the knife and fork.

Fu Bo immediately stopped him, and he said, "Xiao Bao, you haven't sang a birthday song yet!"

"Oh yes! Birthday song!"

The nephew stood up and turned around. "Let's sing a birthday song to Xiaobao!"

"it is good!"

The children who are eager to eat the cake are surprisingly cooperative, while patting the little hand, the sound of the sparse sound is sounded.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Xiaobao! Happy birthday to you!"

"Hey..." clapping.

Thirty or so young children's voices, the five-tone is not complete, just like the magic sound is ruined, and there is a great devastating momentum!

Gu Jinglian listened to the devil, but Xiaobao was too happy.

Chu He put the crown on his head and urged him, "Xiaobao, make a wish!"


Xiao Bao immediately put his hands together, closed his eyes and began to make a wish.

Then, he made a wish, "call" to blow out the candle!

"Xiaobao happy birthday!"

"Eat cake! Eat cake!"


The children are like a tidal wave.

Forbee immediately rushed to maintain order, "Don't grab it! Let our little birthday star cut the cake!"

Xiaobao looked up and looked at Gu Jinglian. Some nervously said, "Dad, the cake is so high, how can I cut it?"

The cake is more than a meter high, but he is not as good as the cake, picking up the toes and can't cut it.

Gu Jinglian looked at him disgustedly, but immediately bent down and held him in his arms. Chu He took his little hand and the mother and son together cut the cake.

It was the turn of the cake, and a group of little guys quarreled.

"I want to be white!"

"Big white is mine!"




The nephew pulled the sleeve of La Xiaobao on the side and grievously said, "Xiaobao, I like white, can you give me the big white?"

"Of course!"

Xiaobao said to everyone, "Is it good to give Dabai to my nephew?"

A boy stood up and said with conviction, "Why do you give a child, Xiaobao, you are eccentric! I want too!"

The nephew licked his mouth, and Xiao Bao met, and she was very protective of her posture. "Give a child!"

"give me!"

"Da Bai is a child!"

"Big white is mine!"


Gu Jinglian can't listen to it, and it will be two and a half directly.

Nice, simply.

"half each."

Xiaobao, "..."

Hey, "..."


The scene was quiet at once and the birds were silent.

(End of this chapter)

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