Chapter 3364, Adding to the Scenery 127

The scene was quiet at once and the birds were silent.

The little ghosts suddenly stunned and looked at the center of the cake.

The original white hair is so cute, but now, pitifully cut into two halves, poured on the cake.

Looking at this fierce "murder scene", everyone is scared!

"Big white!!"

I don't know which bear child gave a cry, and a group of children shivered.

"Big white is cut in half! Big white is dead!"

The nephew is even more red-eyed, screaming and whispering, "big white..."

Chu He, "This..."

She turned and looked at Gu Jinglian's geological question. "What are you doing?"


"Who asked you to cut the white in half?!"

Gu Jinglian, "Why wouldn't I cut it? Cut my head?"

Chu He said without words, "You have to divide a cake, do you need to be so bloody?!"

Gu Jinglian is even more speechless. "It's just a cake. What is bloody?"

Seeing the children clinging together, yelling, Gu Jinglian and Chu He began to quarrel again, and Fo Bo immediately put on disposable gloves and began to remedy.

He lifted the two halves of the white and applied a little cream in the middle, but the two were one and barely glued.

He said coldly, "Okay! Ok! Now that Xiaobao is our little birthday, can we give him the big white?"

A group of children has recovered some vitality.

Fu Bo will repair the successful big white points to Xiao Bao's plate. Xiao Bao holds the tray and walks to the front of the nephew. Some are shy and honest. "Hey, you like it best! I will give you the white." ?"

My nephew nodded with red eyes and immediately broke into laughter.

Fu Bo began to divide the cake, the children held the cake in their hands, only to find that the cake stuffing is rainbow color!

"A beautiful cake, I can't bear to eat it!"

"The next birthday, I want my mother to buy me this cake!"

"But it should be expensive?"

A group of children squatting while sipping a cake.

Xiao Baozheng and his nephew had a good time. A few children’s cats came behind him and shouted at him, “Xiaobao!”


Xiao Bao Fang only turned around and was ruined with a cake.

"happy Birthday!"

"a ha ha ha!"

The atmosphere is cheerful and warm.

Fu Bo divided two cakes and handed them to Chu He and Gu Jinglian. They smiled and said, "Master, eat the cake."

"Don't eat."

"I know that you don't like to eat cakes, but today is a small birthday, this cake must be eaten!"

Gu Jinglian took this.

Xiaobao looked at Gu Jinglian, could not help but tease the mind, he wiped the cake on both hands, secretly walked behind Gu Jinglian, sneered, "Dad!"

Gu Jinglian turned her head and saw Xiao Bao sticking out two small claws with cream and waving to him.

Almost the subconscious reaction, Gu Jinglian suddenly took the cake in her hand and took it on his face.

The tray gradually slides down.

Xiaobao stood still in the same place, his face was covered with cake, and his face was completely different!

Chu He, "..."

Forbe, "..."

The children immediately made a sneer, "Ha ha ha!"

Xiaobao’s “嗷” got a cry, “Dad big bad guy!!”

Gu Jinglian said with confidence: "Who told you to attack me."

(End of this chapter)

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