Chapter 3375, Adding to the Scenery 138

Chu He only turned around, Gu Jinglian’s voice was ringing behind.

"I have to go abroad for a few days."

She groaned, I don't know why he deliberately reported with her.

He does not go abroad after going abroad, she does not seem to have the right to ask questions?

Chu He turned around a little, but since he mentioned it with her, then she "cares" about it.

"Going abroad? Where are you going?"

"South Africa."

"What happened?"

"There are some problems in the business and I need to go there."

"Business? Do you still have business in South Africa?"

Gu Jinglian said, "Well."

Chu He was so fascinated that she used to investigate information about Gu Jinglian when she was at Interpol.

Gu Jia’s military market in North Africa occupies a very important share.

The North African market is chaotic.

In addition to the involvement of political forces in various countries, Gujia can be said that in addition to the Hurricane Group, it holds the second largest share of the North African market. In addition, in North Africa, Gujia built two large military factories with a wide area. However, Compared with the military factory of the Hurricane Group, Gu Jia is deeply savvy. In the high-end areas, such as armed aircraft, tanks and armored vehicles, it is not a market share of the hurricane. Therefore, it mainly produces guns and ammunition.

Don't look at guns and ammunition, it looks small, but in the war, the cost of guns and ammunition is very large.

Therefore, Gujia also has a considerable market share.

However, there has been news from North Africa recently that Hurricane Group intends to acquire ten plots of land, one of which is the largest military factory under the name of Gu Jia.

According to the news, the Hurricane Group acquired ten pieces of land in order to develop a plan for the nuclear and military battles of experiments and to establish the world's most powerful signal magnetic field.

Because it is a compulsory acquisition, there is almost no game and the ability to compete.

The Hurricane released the words and asked Gu Jinglian to rush to North Africa as soon as possible to complete the acquisition plan of the Hurricane Group.

Gu Jinglian heard the anger.

what is this?

When is the Hurricane Group so arrogant?

Even if it is a palace, if it is involved in this acquisition, it will be discussed with him and resolved peacefully.

Hurricane Group is so compulsory to acquire, which is where to place the family?

Chu He realized that there were some problems in the North African market. However, as far as she knows, the war in North Africa is now chaotic. If it is going to North Africa, it is inevitable that it is dangerous.

"I heard that there are many war zones in North Africa."

After a pause, Chu He asked with some suspicion, "Are you going alone?"

Gu Jinglian heard the words, and he couldn’t help but feel meaningful. He looked at her and slammed his lips. "Are you caring about me?"

Chu’s face groaned and snorted. “I’m just kindly reminding you that there are a lot of battle zones, and now the most chaotic zone, it’s too dangerous to go alone!”

After that, she turned awkwardly and walked into the study room, lying down on the sofa.

Gu Jinglian’s face immediately sagged!

This woman is not cute at all!

He stood up and went to the study room. He saw that Chu He had laid the quilt, lay down, saw him, turned around immediately, and turned to him, closed his eyes and said: "I slept!"

Gu Jinglian snorted and walked toward the bed, went to the door, and suddenly stood still.

He suddenly asked faintly, "Would you like to sleep on the sofa for a lifetime?"

(End of this chapter)

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