Chapter 3376, Adding to the Scenery 139

Chu He’s back was stunned, but he did not say a word.

Gu Jinglian entered the room and closed the door.


Early the next morning, not waiting for Fu Bo to wake up, Xiao Bao got up very early, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and wrapped up Fu Bo to send to kindergarten.

Fu Bo knew that he was worried about the child, so he sent Xiao Bao to the kindergarten early.

Xiaobao came to the kindergarten. However, he did not see the nephew until the children entered the classroom one after another. The class teacher also came to the class, but the table of the nephew was still empty.

At the morning meeting, the class teacher announced one thing.

“Everyone saw that my nephew didn’t come to school today, and on the weekend, something unfortunate happened.”

The class teacher told all the children about the death of their parents in a car accident. When they heard this, the class was awesome.

"Sunday? Isn't that Xiaobao's birthday?"

"How can such a thing happen..."

Xiaobao suddenly stood up nervously and asked excitedly, "Teacher, don't you come to school?"

"No, it’s just a few days off."

Because of the need to cook things, including funerals, the white family is busy, and as the eldest daughter, the funeral can not be absent.

Xiaobao listened, and some of them sat back in a sullen mood, and they were absent-minded all day.

You must be very sad!

However, he seems to be unable to do anything!

Thinking of this, Xiaobao can't help but feel a deep sense of powerlessness!

After returning home, Xiaobao was still unhappy. When Chu He came home from work, he asked Chu’s sleeves and asked, "Mom, can I go to the funeral of my father and mother?"

"……Do you want to go?"

"You must be very sad, I want to go with her!"

When Chu He listened, he nodded and called the class teacher. When the matter was mentioned, the class teacher transferred the household registration information and sent the address to her in the form of a text message. The next day, Chu He took time off. Xiaobao rushed to the home of his nephew.

The nephew lives in a neighborhood not far from the kindergarten. The father and mother of the nephew are not natives of the capital. However, after graduating from college, they will work hard in the capital, meet each other, fall in love, get married, and finally, through continuous efforts, finally The capital settled in.

It is said that the father of a nephew is a senior executive of a company with hundreds of thousands of annual salary, while the mother of the nephew is a white-collar worker, and the income is also considerable.

Two people have purchased this house, but it is not big. However, it is not easy to rely on parents and rely on the work of two husbands and wives to make up for the money to buy a house.

When I arrived at my nephew's house, I just entered the door and heard the crying of the ones in the hall.

Chu He took Xiao Bao’s hand and walked in, and he saw the squatting on the side of the coffin, twitching and wiping his tears, crying into a tear.

The grandparents of the nephews, however, overnight, as if they were old and many years old, they are unbearable.

There are always people coming to hang.

Chu He took Xiao Bao’s hand and came to Lingtang. Xiao Bao said, “Xiao Bao, give your father and mother a head!”


Xiaobao was very sensible and squatted on the cushion. He licked three heads. When he stood up, he was deeply stunned. He was facing the aligning road. "Daddy's mom and dad, go all the way!"

My nephew raised her head and saw that it was Xiao Bao. In her eyes, she finally recovered a few focal lengths. She licked her mouth and a few teardrops rolled down!

(End of this chapter)

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