Chapter 3378, Adding to the Scenery 141


The tears of the child burst out, and the little hand squatted on the glass of the window, and the tears were fascinated!

She kept tapping the window and eagerly said, "Let me get off! Let me get off!"

The aunt looked at her and followed her eyes to the rear of the car, but saw a little boy chasing after the car.

She said, "Hey, who is this?"

"It's Xiaobao! It's Xiaobao!"

The nephew kept crying, "Stop! Stop!"

Gradually, Xiao Bao’s figure gradually disappeared at the end of the line of sight.

The child looked at Xiao Bao and disappeared at the end of the line of sight. She widened her eyes and her tears continued to flow...

Xiaobao looked at the car and slowly left. He almost tried his best and gradually lost his strength. His body was crumbling and he was soft on the ground.


Xiaobao’s two small hands clenched into fists, helpless and authentic, “Don’t go...”


Since the nephew left, Xiao Bao was completely depressed.

Rao is not very good appetite. In school, he is depressed. After returning home, he will take a few meals and then ran upstairs. He only knows that he is locked in the room, unhappy and dead.

Chu He knew that he was because his nephew had transferred to school and was in a bad mood. However, as an elder, he did not know how to care, and he let him go.

For a while, this depression is afraid that it will not dissolve.

I also hope that after waiting for a long time, he accepts this fact and says.

And Gu Jinglian has no solution to this child.

Listening to Fu Bo, after the transfer of the child, Xiao Bao was unhappy and he did not say anything.

Fu Bo said, "Xiao Bao is so small, I didn't expect to open my heart. I feel that he likes a little bit of a child. If you leave, you will inevitably be lonely..."

"So small children, where do you know what feelings."

Gu Jinglian was speechless. "I thought he had been heartless. I didn't expect that for a small thing, I would close myself in the room all day."

Fu Bo suddenly asked cautiously, "Master, tomorrow morning, are you going to leave?"


"I have heard that there are many war zones in North Africa, and the soldiers are not resting. You must be careful when you go this time."

"Don't worry."

Gu Jia holds a special pass, and even if it is a war zone, there will be no mistakes.

"I am worried, it is not those fighting areas, just, worried..."

"In the days when I am not there, you take care of Xiaobao, others don't have to worry about you."

After all, Gu Jinglian said, "I am going to rest, you go to see Xiaobao sleeping."


Fu Bo left the room.

When he had just left, Chu He entered the room and saw him sitting at his desk and holding a pile of information for review. Most of the information was from the North African Military Industry Headquarters. Some of them were the prospectus of the Hurricane Group. And the acquisition proposal.

This time, it’s said that it’s a hurricane to compete with Gu’s home.

However, the means of this hurricane is quite strong.

Gu Jinglian originally thought that this acquisition was an outline of the palace.

However, until the end, I saw a strange signature - Gong Fan.

Gong Fan?

Never heard of this person.

Most of the big guys in the Hurricane Group have dealt with each other. The most frustrating thing is the palace.

Yesterday I was drunk by several elders~~Because I am getting married next month, my unbelievable husband can't touch a little wine, but fortunately, my drink can be. In order to prevent the elders from being hanged on the wedding day, I decided to settle a few elders in advance. As a result, the liquor that was less than two pounds was poured, and I rushed back... I turned on the computer and turned on the computer for half a day! ! I feel that people are going to fly! So I took a leave yesterday~~T-T I was wrong, I will make it up as soon as possible! It’s really a hassle to get married...

(End of this chapter)

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