Chapter 3379, Adding to the Scenery 142

Regarding the deeds of Miyazaki in the African region, the eyes and ears are tainted.

It is said that when Miyazaki performed a trading mission in Africa, he encountered an anti-government armed army. However, a group of hundreds of people, even though they were in a hurry, were killed by the mercenary group under the palace.

Hurricane Group controls the mercenary paradise.

Mercenary paradise is now the world's top mercenary organization, acting style, heart-wrenching.

Gu Jia has always avoided confronting the hurricane, and the hurricane also respected Gu Jia’s one-a-three-point land in North Africa. As a result, I did not expect that this time it was the first provoke of the hurricane!

Gong Fan?


"You are going to North Africa tomorrow?"

Chu He suddenly asked.

Gu Jinglian returned to God and looked up at her. "Well," he said.

Chu He opened his mouth, half a sigh, but could not escape a word.

She really wants to care, at least when going to North Africa, everything is careful.

After all, the bullets don't last long, the place in North Africa, the war is constantly, the bullets are raining, the artillery fires, and how many times, she performed her mission in North Africa and almost died.

However, how to say it, I feel that if she really said so, it would be too much.

Who is Gu Jinglian?

So a strong man, there should be no accident.

She is more worried.

Therefore, Chu He did not say much, holding the quilt, he lay down on the sofa.

Gu Jinglian glanced at her with a meaningful look, squinting her eyes and falling coldly.


Early in the morning, he took a private jet and set off for North Africa. The plane landed for more than 20 hours.

Gu Jinglian took the armed car and went directly to the factory headquarters.

Along the way, the artillery fire continued, accompanied by gunshots, the car crossed countless front lines, roads, bridges, riversides, and places of sight, full of casualties.

"In recent times, the war in North Africa has become more and more rampant."

The high-level officer sitting next to Gu Jinglian, all sighed.

He is a high-ranking general manager appointed by Gu Jia in North Africa to take charge of all matters in the North African factory. His name is Gu Yan, so he is a close-knit person and is very capable.

Gu Jinglian is cold and cold. "There is a war, there is business, isn't it?"

"This is true."

Gu Yan does not deny, "However, the recent expansion of the Hurricane Group is very radical."

"I saw these documents, the end signature is a strange name."

Gu Jinglian threw a paper bag to him and asked him, "Who is Gong Fan?"

"Gong Fan..."

"I have never heard of this name."

Gu Jinglian turned around and raised her eyebrows coldly. "The affairs of North Africa do not seem to belong to this person."

"The affairs of North Africa were formerly executed by Miyazaki. However, the so-called implementation is only the person in charge of transportation in North Africa. It is said that this palace is not small."

"Oh? What is it?"

“Hurricane Group has been brewing a mysterious plan. However, it is not known what the plan is. I only know that Gong Fan is an important top of the plan.”

After a pause, Gu Yan said again, "Tomorrow, there is an acquisition meeting between Gu Jia and Hurricane. At that time, you can see what this character is coming!"

Gu Jinglian "hmm", shut his eyes and raise his spirits.

The road conditions are bumpy, fortunately, the off-road performance of the car is first-class and excellent, and there is no sense of bumpiness.

For more than twenty hours, he was hard to say tired.

Gu Yan saw that he closed his eyes and raised his spirits. He wanted to say something, but he wanted to stop talking.

(End of this chapter)

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