Chapter 3383, Adding to the Scenery 146

This name is almost the highest secret of the Hurricane Group. No one can inquire. It only knows the name and symbolizes the highest authority.

Miyazaki is the chief commander of the Hurricane Group. Prior to this, his status, except for Gong Shaoying, was taken care of by him.

However, the appearance of Gong Fan has broken such a "monopoly."

Although Miyagi is still the chief commander on the bright side, today's Hurricane Group, the wind has suddenly reversed, Gong Fan, a name that has never been heard before, has almost become the highest power.

The palace is hard to imagine, this child called Gong Fan is Yu You.


"War, from ancient times to the present, it has always been a proposition without solution."

Gong Fan opened his eyes slightly, and the cold voice slowly escaped from the thin lips: "Miyazaki wants to use the ‘天眼’ plan to achieve peace, stupid.”

Lisa screwed her eyebrows, but her face looked strange.

At the beginning of the establishment of the "Eye of the Eyes" program, it was only from the idea of ​​a blessing.

The so-called "Eye of the Sky" plan is to use quantum technology to lock in the sky, master absolute air power, and block world information. On that day, even if you want to launch a war, you can force block.

When this plan was proposed, the hurricane was up and down, and each was a ghost.

World Peace?

No war?

Almost met with opposition from everyone.

You must know that the Hurricane Group is born by relying on war. If there is no war in this world, then there will be no hurricane.

A hegemonic group that relies on the sales army and fire weapons to stand up in the world. If there is no war in the world and the army and fire are lost, how should the hurricane be established?

So many weapons, where should I sell?

What is even more incredible is that Youyou has a very positive attitude towards this plan.

Blocking the sky and mastering absolute air supremacy must mean becoming a hegemon over all nations.

The so-called high place is not cold.

Since ancient times, no dynasty has been able to retain a thousand years of history, because people's ambitions have always been endless.

This is almost a biological instinct.

In the animal world, the weak meat is strong, the weak is the strong, and the human world is the same.

Everyone wants to be a winner.

The intrigue of the workplace has risen to the conflict of interests between countries. No one has ever retreated from the vortex of interest.

This is the only rule that is established in the world.

Passive or active, people start to consciously compete for one thing.

Rights, wealth, ambition, desire, hope, even women, people in high places want to stabilize the throne, while people in the lower part want to climb up, whatever means.

There has never been a person, a country, a period of history, able to maintain the status of the hegemon for thousands of years.

World Peace?

This is the biggest joke of the century.

When will the human ambitions die and the war will end, and civilized societies will go back a few hundred years and stand still.

However, compared to Yusuke's ambition, Gong Fan's ambition is even more ambitious.


The evening breeze is slow.

"I want the war in this world to be born for me and die for me."

Lisa heard the words, widened her eyes in horror, but saw Gong Fan stunned and turned her face with a cold and weird smile. "Lisa, this is the core purpose of the ‘天眼’ program.”

(End of this chapter)

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