Chapter 3384, Adding to the Scenery 147

If you must use a word to describe it.

Yuyou is warm.

And Gong Fan, it represents destruction.

Lisa still remembers that when she joined the hurricane, she vowed to be authentic. "Only strong enough to protect the people who want to protect!"

However, when the simple warm blessing is always sealed up, it is returned again, but it becomes a teenager who is so cold that it is not like flesh and blood.

"Only strong enough will not be dominated by fate."

Gong Fan, who returned again, is like a terrible ambitious home.

"the host……"

Lisa looked up in a tangled manner and asked with courage. "You...remember Yun Tianyou?"

In memory, when Yun Tianyou smiled at her, she smiled warmly.

However, the line of sight overlaps, and the blessings that are reflected in her eyes have become so cold.

Gong Fanyan turned around with no expression, and Junmei slightly picked, "Who is Yuntianyou."


"I should know him."

"You forgot? Don't remember it at all?"

Gong Fan’s voice was almost as cold as ice. “There is no such name in memory.”

Therefore, it should be an insignificant person, and it is not worth keeping a memory space for him.

Lisa weakly outlined her mouth. "You don't remember...even."

She paused and said again, "It’s cold, go back to the room?"

Gong Fan entered the room, Lisa closed the balcony and looked at his back, thoughtfully.


The next night.

Hotel conference hall.

When Gu Jinglian arrived, it was seven o'clock in the evening.

All the way to the road, passing the battle zone, delayed some time.

When they arrived at the conference hall, the people in the hall were full of black suits. These are the tops of the North African market of the Hurricane Group.

A teenager in a black cloak sat at the table, facing his back, and the high-rise hat slid over his entire face.

The men around him reminded him that this boy with a black cloak is Gong Fan.

"How is a child."

"I also saw him for the first time. I didn't think it was such a small child..."

Gu Jinglian was just about to walk in. Behind him, one hand pulled him down, and some worried about the authenticity. "Gu, I am worried, this is a banquet..."

It is said that there are very few people who have seen the official face of Gong Fan.

The vast majority of people who have seen him are not there.

It is conceivable that this child is a hot resort, just like a **** of death.

"so what."

Gu Jinglian looked back and said coldly. "From the time I stepped into North Africa, I have already entered the hurricane site."


"They come, the security."

Gu Jinglian walked in and sat down at the table. Gong Fan heard the footsteps behind him and slowly turned around and looked at him. He coldly licked his lips. "You are three minutes late."


Gu Jinglian raised her eyebrows but did not agree. "So, will there be any punishment for being late?"

"It depends on your performance."

The voice of the boy was very deserted. He raised his hand and a man around him immediately came over and handed him a document. Gong Fan pushed the document to his face and said faintly. "This agreement, you should have seen it. ”

"Well, I have seen it."

Gu Jinglian’s eyes fell on the file file, but he smiled mockingly. “So... you invited me to come, not to negotiate with me, but to let me sign the name directly.”

"Our time is precious, so don't waste time."

(End of this chapter)

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