Chapter 3899, the situation 27

Xiao Yuchen screwed his eyebrows. "What happened?"

I have to say that Xiao Yuchen and You You are still very WeChat in the class. This WeChat is even higher than any teacher.

Xiao Yuchen said nothing, Li Sicheng immediately replied slyly, "Youyou, Yuchen, you are coming! You guess what I found!?"

Xiao Yuchen glanced at him and was unhappy. "You are coming down from the podium!"


In the words of Xiao Yuchen, Li Sicheng listened to it. He jumped down from the podium and greeted him with enthusiasm. He put the notebook in his hand in front of them.

"Guess guess what this is?"

Gong Fan was not interested. Xiao Yuchen looked at the sunny child crying on the side, and the vague feeling was that Li Sicheng was crying.

"What the **** is it? How did Qinger cry?"

On the side, there was a boy who had the courage to say, "Li Sicheng sneaked into the notebook of Qinger, and there was a love letter written by Qinger to Youyou. Qinger bumped into it and was so angry that he cried."

Li Sicheng gave them a look. "I want you to talk?!"

Gong Fan heard the words, but he tightened his eyebrows, and looked a bit more complicated, but did not speak.

Just, the face is not very good.

Li Sicheng saw that Gong Fan’s face was not good. He thought that he must be a little angry, and he still had some trouble.

Why is he angry?

I have to say that Li Sicheng is a very good person to look at the people's eyes, so naturally, it can be seen that Gong Fan's face is not good, must be angry.

However, I don't know why it is angry.

However, he has converged a lot.

Xiao Yuchen said with no expression, "Don't mess around, return the notebook to Qinger."

Li Sicheng listened, although the heart was unwilling, but did not dare to violate the meaning of Xiao Yuchen.

Don't look at Xiao Yuchen's usual look, but in the boys, it is extremely prestige.

Between the boys, not to mention the use of force, fighting is indispensable.

However, Xiao Xiaochen’s schooling has never been defeated for so long, and even the fight with the upper grades is also a counter-attack.

Boys have a strong worship.

Therefore, Xiao Yuchen is extremely high in the boys regardless of popularity or prestige.

Li Sicheng is more personal.

Don't look at his young age, but he knows that Xiao Yuchen's family is more expensive than his family, so he knows that this child is offended. At a young age, he learned the snobbery with his father. .

When Li Sicheng listened to Xiao Yuchen's words, he did not have any troubles. He reluctantly walked over and returned the notebook to Qinger.

Qinger did not raise her head, but covered her face, and she was so sad that she could not cry.

Being so confused by Li Sicheng, her face was lost.

Children also attach importance to face, especially girls, and their skin is very thin. They are so confused by Li Sicheng that they can't lift their heads to face classmates.

Li Sicheng has some helplessness.

Qinger ignored him, Li Sicheng also had no way to take him, so he turned his head and glanced at Xiao Xiaochen, his face was embarrassed. "What should I do? She ignored me."

"What are you doing, he ignores you?"

Xiao Yuchen said coldly, "Are you bullying him?"

Li Sicheng does not speak.

"As a boy, it is too shameful to bully a girl."

Xiao Yuchen is especially unaware of the boys who bully girls.

Therefore, he despised Li Sicheng.

(End of this chapter)

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