Chapter 3900 Chapter 28

Li Sicheng inevitably has some guilty conscience, and he said, "I haven’t bullied her! I just, I feel new, so..."

"So I showed it with a love letter?" Xiao Yuchen's eyes were colder.

Li Sicheng stopped talking, and some of his guilty thoughts bowed his head.

Gong Fan suddenly opened his hand and said, "Give me."

Li Sicheng stunned. At first he didn't understand his meaning until he saw his palms open. He then understood that he was asking him to write a notebook, so he handed the notebook to his hand.

Gong Fan put the notebook back on the table belly, and then walked to the side of Qinger, leaning slightly and holding her arm.

"stand up."

He said quietly, the voice is not high, but enough for her to hear clearly.

Qinger is not willing to get up and face him.

Originally, writing love letters was a relatively intimate thing. Nowadays it is well known and the shame is thrown home. Under this time, she likes to bless things. It is the secret of the class. She has no way to face it. For the classmates.

Gong Fan saw her burying her head, sighing slightly, but sighed.

"Like a person, it's not a shame."

His voice just fell, and the people around him were a little surprised.

Everyone knows that Gong Fan said that he is talking to Qing.

Qing Er listened, some surprised, finally raised his face, a pair of eyes wet with tears, looked at him with pity, and some were at a loss.


She doesn't want to be troubled by her because of her!

Feeling, it is because she, implicated in the blessing, if not, there will be no such trouble.

"I will take a lunch break right away, don't fall here."

It’s hard to let the palace singer’s voice line be a little more gentle. “Go back to the seat!”

"……it is good……"

Qinger stood up and let him back to his seat.

Aside, a few girls who are eager to watch the show, seeing it, are inevitably disappointed!

They originally wanted to watch the excitement, and they wanted to appreciate the embarrassment of Qinger. Now, Yuyou has actually come forward to protect her, so that their hearts are not a taste!

Feeling, Qinger was blessed in disguise, and received special care from Youyou!

They are jealous and jealous.

When Haring returned to the position, he kept groaning and did not dare to look up.

Gong Fan raised his head and said with no expression. "This matter, no one will mention it in the future. The people present will not have happened. Do you understand?"


"Well! We will be confidential!"

"You must keep the children secret in this matter!"

Everyone pretended to maintain a look of Qinger and nodded.

Gong Fan sat back in the position and squatted on the table and took a nap.

During the afternoon class, Xiao Yuchen called Li Sicheng away. Before the class, Li Si’s achievement followed Xiao Xiaochen’s back and fell back. He came to Qing’s desk and bowed his head slightly. There is no end to the end: "Qing Er, I am sorry!"

Qinger looked at him suspiciously.

"Just, I have learned from me, I think, at noon..."

He lowered his voice, only Qing and his own two could hear.

"At noon, I am too much, I apologize to you!"

Sunny is a bit strange, "What..."

"Sorry! I shouldn't be kidding about this kind of thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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