Chapter 3909, the situation 37

Han Jin holds the matcha milk cover, takes a straw and takes a sip, and is satisfied!

Gong Fan took a sip of tea and twisted his eyebrows. He put it aside and didn't drink.

Miyazaki met, and some accidents.

"what happened?"

"Sweet seems to put a lot."

Suddenly, Gong Fandao, "too sweet."

The palace was heard, and some accidents, the dawn became more complicated.


"I recently took over a patient with multiple personality."

When Miyazaki sat on the sofa, Alice sat opposite, pours tea for him, and faintly said, "This patient splits six personalities and is independent."

“Are you starting to delve into this category now?”

"If it weren't for your dear nephew, I wouldn't take over the patient."

Alice sat down and made some heavy sighs.

"There are not many patients with multiple personalities in the world, and the proportion of dual personality is also very small. However, most of the more complicated conditions are handled by authoritative research institutions. In short, Pilots, these patients have been repeatedly tortured by multiple personalities for a long time and have been controlled. In general, the fundamental cause of multiple personality is due to self-identification obstacles, loss of self-unification, splitting two or more Different personality. When a personality appears, other personality automatically exits. Generally speaking, the main personality is dominant. As far as I know, the most classified personality in the world, the current one that can be studied is Billy Mi. Stand up."


"Well, his story was also filmed. At the time, he committed three total sins at Ohio State University, but he was diagnosed with a rare multi-personal schizophrenia because he was sentenced to acquittal. ""

Miyazaki nodded. "I have heard of this person."

This person is the only felony in the history of M, because multiple personalities are exempt from punishment.

"After he was guilty of his crimes, he was not aware of what kind of crime he had committed and he was diagnosed with schizophrenia after receiving a psychological test assessment."

Alice took a sip of tea and continued. "After he was excused from punishment, he began to receive a long treatment. Two doctors had a total of twenty-four personalities. However, through treatment, doctors discovered that these personality divisions It is inseparable from his childhood."

"How to say?"

"Billy's mother, Dorothy, grew up on a farm in Ohio. She lived with his husband Dick in adulthood. After the divorce, Dorothy moved to Miami to become a singer. There, she and one named Morrison. Married you too comedians cohabitation. Dorothy and Morrison have three children, and the second son, William, is Billy. After that, after a few years, Morrison died because of suicide, because Gambling is in debt, alcoholism, and suicide. After that, Dorothy took the child out of Miami and returned to Ohio."

"Dorothy met Carmo, the man of Carmo, which was the key to the division of the Billy spirit."

"Carmo has two daughters, one of whom is the same age as Billy. After Dorothy and Carmo get married, Carmo has long abused Billy, including strong b.Ao. Previously, because of his father's suicide, his mother remarried many times. Billy already has multiple personality splitting tendencies."

(End of this chapter)

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