Chapter 3910 彼境38

"Carmo has two daughters, one of whom is the same age as Billy. After Dorothy and Carmo get married, Carmo has long abused Billy, including strong b.Ao. Previously, because of his father's suicide, his mother remarried many times. Billy already has multiple personality splitting tendencies. His first split personality girl, Christine, appeared at the age of three."

Alice carefully studied Billy's twenty-four personality.

"The core personality is Billy, twenty-six years old, I am brown hair, but the second personality, Arthur, twenty-two years old, British, rational, cold, self-study physics, chemistry and research medicine, even He is fluent in Arabic. He is stubborn and conservative. He considers himself to be capitalism. He is the first person to discover other personality, and he is responsible for management and decides who will appear to represent the family and wear glasses."

"Do he speak Arabic?"


The palace was heard in the fog.

How different personalities, even nationality are different.

Man is a mysterious creature.

Gong Yi did not know that there would be multiple personality schizophrenia.

"So far, many strange incidents have been discovered. Some people woke up, originally M beauty, began to inexplicably speak authentic Spanish, and after diagnosis, it was another personality that split."

Miyazaki finally understood some.

“That is to say, these personalities are independent.”

"The world in which personality exists is something that ordinary people can't imagine. The information obtained is also compiled through the study of the sick people. For example, Billy's little girl personality split at the age of three, three years old, often being teacher. Called the corner to develop, she is a British little girl, smart, but suffering from dyslexia likes to draw flowers and butterflies, blonde hair, blue eyes."

"These people are also set up by the sick population?"

Alice said, "This is the most special place for Billy. Twenty-four personality, I like to paint, these Xiaoxiang, are also drawn by Billy."

After listening to the palace, I still felt a little unbelievable.

"In so many personalities, there is also a personality called Philip, 20 years old, rude character, New Yorker, with a strong Brooklyn accent. There is also a personality called Kevin, 20 years old, good at planning, once planned The robbery of Gray's pharmacy, like writing, blond hair."

"That is..."

Miyazaki summed up, "The twenty-four personality, each is different, some are little girls, some are rude men, some are gentle writers, and twenty-four personalityes perform their roles and play different roles. But outside I can see it at all, only I know it."


“Is there an illusion?”

Alice stared at his eyes carefully and slowly said: "How terrible is the double personality and multiple personality attacks?"

"Try an analogy and hypothesis."

"When you drive, suddenly realize that you don't remember what happened or something on the way."

"When you listen to someone, you suddenly realize that you can't hear some or all of what he said."

"Continuous, severe headaches, especially before and after the two situations."

“I found myself somewhere, but I don’t know how it came.”

"I found myself wearing strange clothes, but I don't know how to put them on."

(End of this chapter)

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