Chapter 3919, Chapter 47

"What is the saying of sin?"

Youyou smiled, "others said."

Gong Gong did not agree. "Have you ever heard such a sentence?"

"You said."

Gong Yi, "I can sleep for a long time before going to bed, and it is easy to die at night."

Yuyou nodded. "This sentence is very pertinent, and it is also in line with scientific reason."

Miyazaki turned around and leaned back in front of the fence. She suddenly asked seriously, "I am going to hear it now, can I hear it?"

"I can't hear it."

"That is, no matter what I said to you, he would not know?"

Yuyou nodded, "Of course."

"It's weird."

"Where is it strange?"

The palace blinked and couldn’t say it. “Before, you were a double personality, but the distinction was not so obvious.”

Yuyou stunned and quickly understood what he meant.

"In the past, his personality was controlled by me. It was not so much control. It was because I didn't realize it. He existed because when he appeared, I still had vague memories. What did he do? What, I also vaguely know, I am just wondering why I am out of control, but I don't know what happened to me. I only know that sometimes I often do something uncontrollably and say something. I also know the shocking 'Eye Project'."

Miyazaki nodded. "Why is it not controlled afterwards?"

Youyou said: "Alice hypnotized me. She entered my hypnotic world and found my second personality. In fact, erasing memory is just a hypnosis of my first personality. From that time on. The second personality is completely out of control. I have tried to suppress it. However, it is gradually out of control."

Miyazaki was silent for a moment, and suddenly he asked with a dignified look. "In fact, there is a treatment plan. Gong Fan is willing to sleep and is willing to go to the land of death. You are willing to..."

"I do not want to."

Yu You interrupted his words, although he underestimated, but vaguely he could see that he was shaking.

Gong Yi couldn’t bear it for a while.

"Actually, I used to hate him before, but then I discovered that his birth was created by me. I imposed all the pain-related memories on him, so that I can relax, and he But it has been carrying so much all the time, he is also a part of me, why should I destroy him."

The palace is still silent.

Yu You looked at him and his light was light.

"I know you are worried about me, thank you."

Miyazaki looked at his hair with a look of disgust. "What are you doing with me? It's not cute at all."

He crouched down and looked at him, half jokingly. "If you grow up, you like a woman, then he doesn't like it. What should you do?"

Youyou blushed red, some helpless, "Do you want to think so far away?"

"Of course, in fact, not far away, people have seven emotions and six desires. When you enter a youthful period, you will inevitably have a favorite girl. If he doesn't like it and resists rejection, what should you do?"

You You obviously will not be in your heart.

"I can hardly imagine that I will like someone. If I am married, is it necessary to live with my wife?"

"if not?"

Miyazaki asked, "Do you want to stick your mom forever?"

(End of this chapter)

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