Chapter 3920 Chapter 48

"I can hardly imagine that I will like someone. If I am married, is it necessary to live with my wife?"

"if not?"

Miyazaki asked, "Do you want to stick your mom forever?"

Yuyou hesitated for a moment, "If you don't mind, you won't mind!"

"He definitely minds."


"Who doesn't want to be a two-person world!"

Miyazaki rarely stood in the side of Mu Yazhe.

"You guy, you won't grow up and you will become a mom!"

"I don't know, yeah, isn't it good?"

"Mama is very disgusted. You will inevitably lead to the war of mother-in-law!"

Youyou twitched his lips. "Hey, you are not married. Why do you want to think about things after I get married?"

Miyazaki snorted and didn't take it for granted. "It's not for you!"

"Don't worry about my heart, it's better to care about your lifelong events."

Miyazaki listened, but smiled indifferently. "I feel that I am still alone. I am not interested in women."


Youyou listened, and I couldn’t help but have a bit of gossip. "Do you really like men?"

Miyazaki screwed his eyebrows and glanced at him. "You seem to be very jealous of my emotional life."

"Look at the opening point! Don't care about the worldly eyes." You You took a shot on his shoulder and said with relief. "Now this society is very open. It is not uncommon for men to like men. Love is free and gender is the same. You can also fall in love."

The palace eyelids jumped again.

It’s hard to imagine, in this case, it’s actually coming out of the mouth of a 10-year-old child!

Super sense of violation.

Miyazaki suddenly skipped this topic.

"Alice recently received a girl, she has multiple personality, 18 years old. It is said that she intends to start from this girl's illness and delve into this field."

Youyou listened, some accidents, "multiple personality?"


"I... can you see her?"

Miyazaki raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want to see her?"

"Can't you see?"

Youyou grievances.

The palace can't stop him. "Well, when you have a holiday, I will take you there."


Yuyou paused and suddenly snorted to the palace, "Do not tell Gong Fan about this matter, lest he be sensitive."



The girl named Lucy, who was brought up by Alice, was detained at Michelle Hospital in Miami.

The reason why she was detained was because Lucy had a violent person in her personality. Therefore, Lucy was once regarded as a dangerous person, was heavily monitored, and completely lost her personal freedom.

Before Alice took over, Lucy was a patient of Professor Romanka.

Professor Romanka is a textbook in the field of psychology and psychiatry. He is also an honorary professor at Michel Hospital, and he is regarded as an authority in the field of spiritual and psychological.

Lucy was detained at Michelle and was ordered to refuse all visits. If it weren't for Alice's relationship, it would be impossible to see one side.

Before flying to Miami, Alice repeatedly warned Miyazaki that when she saw Professor Romanka, it was not allowed to reveal that Blessing is a double personality.

"This guy is crazy, you have to be careful."

Although Miyazaki did not know why Alice had to warn this, he also unconditionally agreed.

Youyou’s report of illness has always been in the hands of Alice.

(End of this chapter)

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