Chapter 3921 Chapter 49

Alice did not dare to divulge a little bit, for fear of spreading out, not good for the blessing.

However, when Miyazaki and Yusuke arrived at Michel Hospital, I don’t know why. After Yuyou got out of the car, I saw the magnificent and solemn hospital door, but I felt that my eyelids jumped so badly that I felt a little uneasy.

This hospital gives a very depressed feeling.

It is like a prison.

Children are especially sensitive.

Especially for children like You You, in short, this hospital left him with a very bad first impression.

I can’t say it, I always feel that this hospital is sinister.

"Like a haunted house."

Yu You sighed.

Gong Yi listened, but it was a smile. "It is better to say that this is Professor Romanka's private research center, rather than a hospital."

"Research center?"

Youyou listened, and I couldn’t help but burst into creeps. "Is it something to study?"

"Of course it is to study multiple personalities like Lucy."

"This Professor Romanka, shouldn't you take Lucy and those patients with multiple personalities to do human experiments?"

"In short, according to Alice, Professor Romanka's method is very shocking, and electric shock therapy is also his claim. However, because it is too inhuman, it was ordered to be banned."

Yuyou suddenly sympathized with Lucy.

Through the long corridor, far away, looking at the end, a row of floor-to-ceiling windows, but above is a church-style color print, colorful, seems to be related to the mysterious zong teaching.

I don't know why, it is so brightly colored, but it is more repressive than the black and white picture.

Yu You tightly held the hand of Gong Yi, inexplicably a little uneasy.

It is clearly what he proposed to look at, but now, he has a few retreats.

Miyazaki also noticed his uneasiness, clenched his hand, and the warmth of his palm gave him a little sense of security.

"Are you afraid?"

Miyagi is a little surprised.

Youyou nodded and shook his head, which seemed to be somewhat contradictory.

He kept twisting his head and staring at the floor-to-ceiling window, and the words of Alice came from behind him.

"Don't stare at the window."

Miyazaki and Yuyou were shocked, turned around, but saw Alice, who was in a big white coat, walked over to them and gestured, "Don't stare at the patterns on the window."


Yuyou first questioned, "Is there any problem with this window?"

Alice smiled and asked, "You don't think, if you stare at it, would you feel uncomfortable?"

Yu You won't hold it!


"You must ask me, how do I know?"



Looking at the pictures on the glass, you can feel a little uncomfortable or even depressed.

"You don't think, is this picture familiar?" Alice touched his head.

Youyou shook his head and indulged for a moment. "I really feel familiar, but I can't remember it."

"It is said that this is the world in which one of Lucy's personalities is drawn."

"What do you mean?"

Alice explained, "She said that the paintings she portrayed were pictures of the land of death."

You You was amazed, and I couldn’t remember it.

No wonder he stares at these paintings and feels depressed.

In the process of going to the "land of death", the process will pass through such a world, colorful, swaying, and then, reaching a black sea.

(End of this chapter)

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