Chapter 3930 Chapter 58

Although not far away, people are hidden in the shadows, can not see the contours of the five senses, but Yuyou is still keenly relying on the cluster of white clothes, to distinguish it, it is Natalya.

Is she not in the ward?

Youyou was shocked and stood up from the swing. Natalya seemed to feel his attention, hid hiding, and turned to leave.


You Youfang screamed, the figure had a moment of bluntness, but immediately ran in the other direction.

"and many more!"

Youyou met and immediately chased him in the direction of her departure.

Natalya didn't run very fast. After all, Yuyou was longer than her, but she had to look at her to catch up with her, but she saw Natalya's direction and quickly hid in the corner.

Youyou chased him up again, until the corner, he looked up and found that this is the entrance to the ward building.

He walked over the corner, looked up, and saw the camera on the promenade, Natalia's white back flickering.

"and many more!"

Youyou didn't know why she saw her, but she didn't know how she would appear in the back garden.

Is she not in the ward?

Did you sneak out again?

Yuyou chased it up desperately, followed her figure, turned a corridor, and finally saw her at the door of a dressing room.

There, it is the end of the corridor.

She seems to be lost, looking around, I don't know how to go.

Youyou stopped his footsteps and gently called, "Natalya?"

She was shocked, turned around, saw him, his face was not good, gloomy, and the pair of purple eyes were filled with anger, obviously a little angry!


She snorted, but this is a squeaky voice, but it is not annoying, just like the call of a little milk cat, people can not help but feel compassionate.

Yuyou was probably guessed. She must have been because she accidentally "exposing" her traces. Even she was "caught" back to the ward by Alice, so when she saw him, it would be a little angry!

"It's you!"

Natalya is fluent in Chinese.

However, Alice also mentioned that Natalya was a Romance to visit China, and she met this child in a welfare home through a friend.

Natalya grew up in China, and it can be seen that it should be the bloodline of the Eurasian mixed blood.

Alice said that Natalya is a child abandoned, who is her mother, who is her father, who knows it, is found at the door of the maternity hospital, or in the winter, so small children, being The grass was wrapped in shackles and curled up in a paper box. When it was discovered, it was already frozen and reddened and dying.

If it happens later, it may be frozen by the birthplace.

Before Professor Romanka met her, Natalya had no name. So many children in the welfare home were replaced by numbers.

Natalya called "Nine" because she was the ninth child she was discovered that year.

"I'm sorry."

You Youhe sincerely apologized. "I just didn't mean to 'sell' yours!"

Natalya listened, but obviously did not buy it, licked her mouth and did not want to forgive him.

Youyou looked a little cramped and tried to ask, "Are you still angry?"

Natalia twisted her face, not looking at him, a small mouth, and a cherry.

(End of this chapter)

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