Chapter 3931 Chapter 59

She doesn't seem to like talking.

You can't help but look at her.

Alice said that Natalya is a dual personality, but, looking at it, it seems that there is no clue.


Yuyou is a temptation and gently calls her name.

Natalia was carrying her, her eyelashes trembled a little, and she stunned her head, and finally she carefully looked at the boy in front of her eyes.

She couldn't help but be attracted by his deep and delicate eyebrows.

"Your eyes are so beautiful."

She squinted and smiled, and there seemed to be a bright stream of light in her eyes.

Is she boasting him?

Youyou actually followed the smile, "Is it?"

"You... really didn't mean it?" Natalya still didn't believe it.

Youyou immediately said, "Well, really!"

"Then, you are doing a favor for me, I am not angry."

Natalya hung her chest and was as proud as a kitten.

You can't help but wonder.

"What busy?"

Natalia smiled and smiled, and suddenly reached out and held his hand tightly.


Natalya took the hand of Yuyou, crossed a corridor, and finally stopped at the door of a room. She snorted and carefully opened the door. This room seemed to look like an office. Youyou followed her. When I entered, Natalia walked over to the cupboard and pointed her finger at the cupboard.



"There is a box on it. If you can take the box down, I will be friends with you."

Youyou listened and couldn't help but laugh.

Is her dating criteria so low?

"Well, I will take it to you."

The cabinet is very tall, nearly two meters. Youyou will move a chair and stand on it. The hand will get the box and open the box. Inside is a dazzling amber candy.


Youyou has some accidents.

I thought that there was something hidden in this box. It turned out to be some candy.

"Thank you."

Natalya was satisfied with the result of candy from his hand, with a smile in his eyes.

She took a green amber sugar from the box and looked like a green apple, and handed it to Yuyou.

"Give you!"

Youyou’s face was so strange that he took over the sugar and curiously asked, “Why... why should you put the sugar here?”

Natalia pouted, some angry, "not what I hid, they hid."


"Well, they don't allow me to eat sugar."


You can't help but feel worried.

She said, should it be Professor Romanka?

Looking at the decoration of this office, I can see that it is probably the office of Professor Romanka.

"Why doesn't he let you eat sugar?"

"do not know."

Natalya is obviously unhappy.

She held the candy box and sat down on the sofa. She smiled and opened the candy of one of the red sugar papers. She also held the candy and smiled and showed it to Youyou. "My favorite strawberry flavor."

Yuyou hesitated a moment. On the one hand, he felt that the child in front of him was pure as crystal, because he could not eat sugar and lost, because of a candy and smile.

Such a laugh made him unable to resist.

On the other hand, he can't help but watch me worry.

He was worried that Professor Romanka would not allow him to eat sugar. He was worried that Natalya was in poor health and he was not allowed to eat sugar. So he took the candy box back into his arms.

"You don't want to eat."

The smile on Natalia’s face was fierce and stiff...


(End of this chapter)

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