Chapter 3933 Chapter 61

"hallucinogen, a hallucinogenic drug, Professor Romanka certainly does not know the true use of this drug."

Yuyou paused and the muscles on his face became stiffer.

Alice took the pathology report and hesitated for a long time and suddenly realized.

"Maybe, I have already guessed why Professor Romanka wants to use this medicine for her."

Youyou listened, and asked for doubts. "You said. What is the reason? This medicine is toxic. I think this dose, although not a critical value, is higher than the usual dose for pathology."

"You also know that this medicine is hallucinating."


"General medication, for example, patients with bipolar disorder, or irritability, in the case of insomnia, taking this drug, a slight dose, can play a certain role in tranquilizing. And if you take this dose, once taken, take the drug There will be hallucinations."



"That is..."

You You obviously also guessed the intention of Professor Romanka, and his expression was cold.

Alice nodded and sighed. "I guess, it must be that Professor Romanka wants to experiment on Natalya and awaken or create the second personality of Natalya by making hallucinations. Create an illusion, let Natalya's owner believe that he actually has a baby sister, and through illusion, tampering with memory, when the owner is convinced of this, then it will take the second personality apart. In theory, but no one has practiced. Of course, when Professor Romanka wanted to make a second personality through my hypnosis Natalya, I did not agree. It seems that he has gone through such a trick to achieve his goal. ""

Youyou can hold his fists tightly.

"You must stop taking the medicine right away."

"I guess this medicine should have stopped."

Alice said, "This pathology report was last month. This month, it should have been discontinued."

She said, she couldn't help but be curious. "How did you get this pathology report?"

Yuyou had been indulging for a moment, but decided to keep this secret for the time being. "I lost my way in the hospital, and then I didn't want to go to a room. In the room, I saw this pathology report."

Of course, he is also curious, Natalya has been returned to the ward by Alice Ribbon, why she will appear in the back garden?

Although he is really curious, since he has already promised Natalya to keep a secret, then he naturally has to say it.


Alice nodded and said seriously, "Professor Romanka is too much, he should not do this!"

"Natalya is his daughter. Doesn't he think that it is cruel to do this? It is too much to experiment with his daughter."

Miyazaki sees Youyou, especially to Natalya, who laughs at the same time, can't help but remind him, "Natalia is not the daughter of Professor Romanka. Not every adoptive father will treat her as a child. Maybe, Professor Romanka is Natalya who is adopted for the purpose."

Youyou is distressed.

He suddenly looked up and licked the corner of the palace. It seemed to be in consultation, but it was clearly an imperative tone. "Hey, do you adopt Natalya?"

"...what?" The palace was cold and confused, with a question mark.

“Why should I adopt her?”

"Because, so she can just leave the place justifiably."

(End of this chapter)

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