Chapter 3934 Chapter 62

"But Natalya has been adopted by Professor Romanka."

Miyazaki kindly reminded.

Yu You did not agree, retorted, "This is not adoption, this is abuse!"

Alice seriously reconciled, "If according to international law, Professor Rocca does not violate the adoption-related laws, the adoption relationship between him and Natalya is also justified. We have no way to interfere, and you are jealous. There is no way to directly adopt Natalya because it does not meet the adoption conditions."

Youyou listened, and it was inevitable that it was awkward.

When Alice met, she couldn’t help but be interested, kneeling in front of him and gently pulling his little hand.

"Do you like people?"

You You immediately blushes, his eyes are dodging, and he has a nasal sound. "No!"

"That... why do you care about people so much?"

Alice smiled and broke the casserole.


Miyazaki sneaked at the head of his own family. "Our family has been loyal to the beginning of the sinus, is it tempting to a girl?"

Youyou blushes and emphasizes, "You are not allowed to talk nonsense! I just think that Natalya is so abused, very poor!"

He can't help but think of himself. From a young age, he was also imprisoned in such a world. There is no freedom.

However, Natalya is different from him.

She is a healthy child.

It is hard to imagine that she was abandoned when she was born. In such a winter, she had survived bad luck, but she was originally healthy, but she was forced to stay in such a hospital to accept this disguised experiment.

She is clearly not a dual personality, but she is made into a dual personality.

She can be carefree, like other children, go out to play, or eat delicious candy, and she can only be locked in a cold ward, free and free.

"Professor Romanka is not worthy of being her father."

Saying, Youyou will have a deep and deep look on the body of the palace.

Miyazaki cleared his throat. "You don't... I really hope that I will adopt her?"

Youyou continued to marry him.

Gong Gong said again, "I haven't got married yet..."

“A man with love and responsibility is more liked by girls.”


This kid, it is clear that he is going to drag him into the water.

The palace is still pretending to be dead and looks up.

Youyou continued to marry him.

The two are so silently confrontational.

Yuyou’s eyes are too sharp, and Gongyi finally can’t hold it and surrender. “I surrender, you must not use this kind of eyes to swear at me. You can’t let your relatives adopt it. So, you I have a lovely sister!"

Youyou licked his lips. "But, the land and the mother have adopted Lisa."

"It doesn't matter, no matter how many Natalya, you can afford it."

"That's not the same!"

Youyou held his arm and looked at it with a glance. "I think you are the most suitable candidate."

The palace is silent.

This kid is clear that he wants to push him to forget the fire pit?

Alice silently said, "I don't suffer from adoption. Anyway, if you can't eat you, you can promise it!"

Miyazaki's face is blue, "I don't care for children at all, how do you care for me?"

When I think of Natalya that is as noble as a puppet cat, I feel that this little girl is awkward and must not get along well.

He has no experience, especially with regard to children.

(End of this chapter)

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