Chapter 3940 Chapter 68

Natalya’s mouth was sweet and sorrowful, and she couldn’t help but feel better. When she saw Yuyou, she finally felt pleasing to the eye. She didn’t use the glory, but she glanced at him. In the end, her eyes still fell. Youyou is in the sugar box in your arms.

She looked and looked at half for temptation, and half hinted, "Is the purple color blueberry?"

The implication of this is that the eye is looking forward to the blessing of this purple candy to him.

You can't help but want to laugh.

This guy, it looks very cold, in fact, it is a snack, in front of the candy, but it is a little reserved.

Youyou tried to ask: "Would you be friends with me?"


Natalya eyes firmly locked the candy box held in Youyou's arms. "You give me the whole box of sugar, I will be friends with you!"

Yu You is a little suspicious to give her the candy box, she will turn her face.

However, Yu You still handed the candy box over.

"No, give it to you!"

Natalia was so surprised that she widened her eyes!

She did not expect that Yuyou was really willing to give her such a polysaccharide.

Does he not eat?

Or... Is this sugar poisonous?

Perhaps it is because for Natalya, sugar is very precious, because seeing Youyou gave her the sugar in an understatement, and it is inevitable that some doubt the authenticity of this matter.

Youyou saw her a look of suspicion, held back her smile and licked her lips. "These sugars are yours, rest assured, I won't take it back!"

"You will not renege on words?"

"Well, of course!"

Natalya’s face finally showed a heartfelt smile.

She squinted and smiled at the blessing, and she peeled a candy and threw it into her mouth.

In the distance, Alice and the palace looked at it, and Capricorn squatted.

"You... are you going to settle Natalya in a hurricane?"

Miyazaki's eyebrows twisted and twisted for a moment. "Youyou said that I don't want Natalia to grow up in the hurricane."


"Because, if you are there, he is not at ease."

Alice is silent.

What is it that she is not at ease!

"I am a tiger?"

"He is afraid that you will use Natalya as a test article."

Alice is silent again.


It seems that the image of her witch has been ingrained in the heart of Youyou.

"Then where are you going to settle her?"

Miyazaki is also considering this issue, he pondered over his thoughts, and he thought of a good candidate.


"叮咚叮咚" -

In the apartment, on the big bed in the bedroom, Hua Jin was still immersed in his sleep, and in the constant raging doorbell, he finally woke up.


He snorted without a sigh of relief, and he was reluctant to lie on the bed for a while, the doorbell was still ringing, and even more and more frequent.

He finally got up from the bed, pulled the slippers and walked to the door. He thought that the assistant who was the new assistant had made a mistake in the deadline. He opened the door and was unhappy. "Today is a break!"

Just open the door for a moment, Hua Jin looked at the tall figure at the door, and suddenly woke up!

The sleeping insects also flew in the air.


The voice did not fall, and he had a glimpse of Yuyou, who was standing next to the palace, and a strange but cute little girl. He was sobered that he could not wake up again.

"What's wrong?"

"Step aside!"

When the palace smashed him, he walked into the apartment like a male master.

(End of this chapter)

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