Chapter 3941 Chapter 69

"Step aside!"

When the palace smashed him, he walked into the apartment like a male master.


Hua Jin had no time to stop, and Gong Yi went into the bedroom.

Hua Jin is even more dumbfounded.

what is this?

Are you good at home?

Youyou took Natalia’s hand and walked in. He looked around and wondered. “Uncle Hua Jin, have you not got up yet?”

Hua Jin reluctantly licked his forehead, nodded, and was weak. "Today is my rest, so I am sleeping."

"Do you sleep?"


Han Jindao, "I have a three-day break. What's wrong, is there anything?"

He looked down and saw the cute little girl beside Youyou. He looked up and looked at him. He couldn’t help but think that this little girl was so beautiful. What is even more unusual is that he found this girl to be a purple eye. He was shocked, crouched down, and carefully looked at the girl's pupil.

Natalya saw Huajin always staring at herself. At first, she was still not used to it. She was hiding behind Youyou, apparently a bit timid.

Hua Jin smiled at her, "Nothing, my uncle is not a bad person."

I don't know why, it seems that Huajin's laughter is natural and does not carry any attack power. It is natural and harmless. Natalya also realizes that this handsome and beautiful man in front of him will never harm him. So, Finally, I took the courage to find my head, screaming at the beautiful purple eyes, and I was curious to look at the flower brocade.

Hua Jin is somewhat amazed by her purple iris. Imagine that such a small child will not bring beauty, and this pupil is not like Dai Meijun.

He felt a little surprised.

He has never seen a natural purplish, so he couldn't help but look at it more.

Perhaps it is born to be different!

Hua Jin also can see that Natalya's delicate outline is somewhat like Eurasian mixed blood.

It is mostly because of mixed blood, so the color of the pupil is not unusual for Asian girls.

"She is Natalya."


This name is really nice.

He was about to speak, behind him, the footsteps of the palace were heard and stopped by him.

"Your home is so small?"

Hua Jin listened, and some of his hearts were uncomfortable to stand up and said, "You don't know how high the price of the capital is?"

In this way, a set of more than one hundred flats, located in the downtown business district, a set of houses, it is worth tens of millions!

This man is still too small here! ?

Miyazaki looked at him lightly, and he said, "I don't want to wear clothes."

This time, it is a mess of flowers, "ah?"

After more than an hour, when Hua Jin realized that he was already in the sales office of a villa area, he looked at Youyou and Natalia sitting on the left and looked at the palace where the apartment was being viewed. Hey, the opposite sales cautiously asked, "Excuse me, are you full or loan?"

Gong Gong throws a sentence, "Full money."

Hua Jin’s mouth is bigger.


Can you do whatever you want with money? !

Full money! ?

Here is a set of villas, because it comes with hardcover, so worth more than one billion, he is an understatement of "full money"?

This guy won't want to sell him?

Hua Jin is still swearing at the gods. When it comes to signing a contract, the eyes of sales are already showing off!

"Excuse me, who is this house written in?"

(End of this chapter)

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