Chapter 3942 Chapter 70

"Excuse me, who is this house written in?"

Miyazaki turned his face and asked Hua Jindao, "What is your name?"

"Flower Jin..."

"The real name."

"Rong Jin..."

"Write it yourself."


Hua Jingang took the pen and only signed his name on the contract under the guidance of the sales. It was even more aggressive!

"this is……"

He took a closer look and found that his name was signed, which is the column of the villa owner.


He is getting more and more confused, and he can't figure it out. What is the situation?

Youyou sees the flower Jin all the way to force the face, some can't stand it, so when you look at the palace to go to the card, the face of the confused flower Jindao, "That, Uncle Hua Jin, this Natalia, It’s a daughter who adopts it. However, you also know that his work is dangerous. There is no way to take her with me anytime and anywhere. If you want to come, you are the most suitable candidate.”


Han Jin looked at Natalia, and twitched her lips. "I am... the agent father?"


You You hugged his arm and said, "Uncle Hua Jin, my family Natalya, please take care of you!"

"Wait!" Hua Jin only felt that his head was a little messy.

He waved his hand, sank, and finally recovered a bit of calm.

He took a deep breath, opened his eyes and forced himself to calm down. "You mean, this child named Natalia is adopted by the palace, and then he has no time to take care of him, so please take care of me?"

Yuyou nodded, "Yeah."


Hua Jin screwed her eyebrows and sighed helplessly. "I have no experience with children."

"It’s not breastfeeding. You don’t need to breastfeed or use it. Anyway, you should take care of me as much as you can.”

Hua Jin listened, and the brain is still in a state of being down.

He still hasn't adapted himself to the ranks of "newbie daddy", and his empty eyes are on the body of the palace, swallowing and experimenting. "But, I usually have more schedules, what to shoot... ..."

Miyazaki suddenly groped in his arms and asked, "What is the income of your acting in a year?"

Hua Jin has been indulged for a moment. "This income is not necessarily, sometimes there are more, sometimes less."

"100 million?"

"... can't get that much."

Miyazaki raised an eyebrow and said nothing, took out a checkbook, and then used a pen to dance on it.

Hua Jin took a look at it. At that time, Gong Yi had already signed the name and gave it directly to him.

"HSBC, you can go directly to pick up."

Miyazaki handed him a check.

It was a bad check!

Han Jin is so dumbfounded!

Yu You explained on the side, "No matter how much you want to take, you can swear!"

Hua Jin was swallowing again...

The house is also registered under his name, and there is such a check...

"Nothing is not ok..."

"Who said that no work is unreliable?"

Youyou glanced at Natalya, and said to Hua Jindao, "As long as you take care of her, it will be fine! The work is as long as you have time, take a few plays, if you are not available, take care of it. Natalya is the main one. Others, you don’t have to worry about it, you will pay alimony."

Will this maintenance be too impressive?

He did not dare to take yeah.

"Received!" Gong Yu snorted.

(End of this chapter)

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