Chapter 3945 Chapter 73

However, for Natalya's feelings, these days, it has also risen a lot.

It is also mysterious.

Natalya is especially close to him.

To say that Youyou, in order to get close to Natalya, was cheated with candy, and it was a good sigh, and he was born to the palace. Here he went there, Natalya liked to stick to him. .

Youyou is also curious, why Natalya especially likes the palace, and asked why.

The little guy is justifiably sturdy, "because the cockroach grows tall and handsome, give me sugar to eat!"

Youyou is not convinced, and argues, "I will become tall and handsome after I grow up, and I will give you sugar to eat!"

"But you are not me!"

Natalya said in a word, it was a blessing.

He licked his mouth and finally had nothing to say!


This is the charm of a mature man!

"Daddy, don't you live here?"

Natalya hugged the thigh of the palace and reluctantly.

As soon as Gong Yi bent over, she held her in her arms easily, stretched out her hand and pinched her nose, and raised her eyebrows. "Why, not willing to walk away?"


Natalya’s head shook like a rattle.

"Don't go! I want to be with you!"

Gong Mei's eyebrows are slightly stunned, and the lips are outlined with a touch of helplessness.

"I can stay here with you for a few days, but after a while, I have to go out to work, and when I am busy, I will be back, it won't be too long!"



Gong Miao took him to the side of Hua Jin and gently groaned. "In the future, you will be with this uncle. Um? It’s okay to obey, not obedient. Every day, you will be video with you, if this uncle abuses you. You complained and slandered and slammed him!"

In a few words, Natalya was exposed to the white teeth.

Hua Jin listened, but I felt unbalanced in my heart.

what the hell!

He has no reason for all, why do you want to abuse a child!

Moreover, he also likes Natalya. Since Miyazaki entrusted the child to him, he was not so happy, but he also accepted it.

However, one day, I still have to make sure.

"You are sure, it will compensate me for the loss of 'empircy'!"

The palace glanced at him. "I am sure."

You Youdao said, "The house is written in your name, and he is sincere."

Hua Jin settled the gods, and the cold words were fluttering and a bad "vocabulary" was born.

- Containment.

He is not considered to be inclusive...-__-b

Count it!

Maintenance, property...

Hua Jin suddenly felt like a horn of a good wife and a good mother who took the house with her children...

Wait, let's say that...

Is he still having time to repent?

I don't know why, Hua Jin is now popping up a picture in his head.

That is, he is carrying Natalia, standing in front of the stove, wearing an apron, wearing a headscarf, bitterly and happily licking the picture of porridge...


He doesn't want to be like this!

If this continues, he will definitely become a yellow face!

"That one……"

Hua Jin hesitated to look at Yu You.

Youyou saw him at a glance. "Why, want to go back?"


Hua Jin said with a vagueness, "Is this not yet prepared?"

"What psychological preparation?"

"I haven't cooked for a long time, some are unfamiliar, and I don't know how to clean..."

(End of this chapter)

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