Chapter 3946 Chapter 74

Miyagase originally played in Natalia, heard the words, turned his face, and immediately cold and authentic, "I will hire a babysitter, bodyguard, and gardening for you, you only need to play with her, take care of her, don't let her So lonely and lonely, just fine!"

The implication is that these tasks are the work of Hua Jin.

Accompanied, accompanied, and accompanied


Hua Jin had some accidents. I don't know how this child is special, so Miyazaki is treated so seriously.

It won't...

Hua Jin looked at Yu You meaningfully, and when he saw him looking at Natalia, he was surprisingly gentle and could not help but shake a spirit.

It won't...

This is the "future wife" of Youyou! ?


Is his main job to give you a "wife"?

Thinking of this, Hua Jin could not help but laugh.

He took the small hand of Youyou and curiously asked, "Do you like her?"

You You didn’t respond at first, he nodded directly. “Well! Of course!”

He likes Natalya very much.

Hua Jin listened, but gave him a meaningful look.

"Is that kind of like?"


When Yu You’s experience came over, the eyes in the eyes of Hua Jin’s eyes implied what it meant, and suddenly he woke up and immediately said, “Not that kind of love!”

"What kind of like that?"

Hua Jin lowered his voice. "I thought that you are giving you a future wife!"

That being said, Youyou's face can't help but be redder!

"It's not it, don't you talk about it, okay?"

After a pause, You You explained, "Probably, I like it for my sister!"

"Cheat, when I saw you watching Yueyao, it was not this kind of eyes!"

Although there are all kinds of pets, when looking at Natalya, the gentleness in the eyes is definitely not limited to the feelings of brothers and sisters.

However, Hua Jin is just purely teasing him.

How much is your blessing.

So small children, where can you understand the love and love of the adult world?

I probably liked the eye and I like it, so I want to be pure to her!

Hua Jin deliberately teased him. "You can rest assured that I will help you raise your wife!"


Youyou began to intimidate. "If you talk nonsense again, I will let you down."

"do not……"

Hua Jin’s hands are in vain, “I’m wrong, I know it’s wrong, you...hey, don’t confuse you!”

Youyou pulled Huajin aside and secretly said, "Actually... my feeling for Natalia is pure, because seeing her feels like I saw myself!"



Yusuke said, "She was actually adopted by a professor who specializes in the field of psychology and psychology. She is an orphan, but after adoption, she was taught as a test."


When Hua Jinyi heard about this vocabulary, his face suddenly dipped.


In his head, he immediately thought of examples such as human experiments...

"How is it so excessive?"

"She is actually a normal child, but the professor has developed a second personality in her body in order to study multiple personalities."

Han Jin was smart and quickly understood what the so-called "cultivating personality" in You Youkou meant.

"What do you mean, is that professor wanting to create her second personality?"

(End of this chapter)

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