Chapter 3960 Chapter 88

Huajin stood up and Gong Yi immediately took the phone in his hand and turned it over to the album.

Fingers crossed, and Natalya smiled abruptly, as if the whole sun was brighter.

Hua Jin is proud, "How is my technology?"

Miyazaki didn't look at him, just staring at the photo and looking at it, the lips couldn't help but hooked up and finally spit out two words, "Not bad!"

"... can you give me a higher rating?"

Miyazaki heard the complaints of Hua Jin, so I could look at him. "How? I rate it a bit higher, do you have a bonus?"

Hua Jin is silent, "..."

Natalya overslept, looked at the flower brocade, looked at the palace, and whispered, "Do you want to take a photo with me?"


Hua Jin immediately like a "little girl", waving to her, "wait for me!"

He grabbed the cell phone from the palace, and just ran over. The palace slammed his collar and took him back.

"What are you doing!"

"Give me here."

Han Jin, "..."

Miyazaki, "Stand up!"

Hua Jin stood consciously straight, but did not know what he meant by letting him stand up.

Until the palace went to Natalya and hugged her, this signaled, "Come on!"

Hua Jin Dun feels humiliated!

Take him as a royal photographer!

He has an urge to drop his phone to the ground!

Really when he has no temper, right? !

Gong Xiao, this kid, let him see his power!


"Come, laugh one!"

Han Jin held a mobile phone and patted the palace and Natalya.

"He’s leaning back on his shoulders, it’s good...”

His diligent appearance is like a muddy leg.

Youyou met, and his eyes were full of dislike.

He also saw that he clenched his fists as if they were going to break out. He did not expect it to be so embarrassing.

A silk flower!

When the palace was finished, Hua Jin also wanted to go over and Natalya took a photo, but did not expect that You You had already walked away. It was natural to hold Natalya’s shoulder and smile. Authentic, "Give us a photo too!"

As I said, I fell in love with Natalia.

Han Jin, "...Do you think you are taking a marriage certificate?"

Yuyou, "Come on you."

Han Jin, "..."

Young, but mad!

Hua Jin instigated the grievances, and made a few shots for You You and Natalya. When it was finally time to turn to him, Natalya refused to shoot. She was attracted by the hot air balloon in the distance.

Natalya pointed to the hot air balloon. "Is that a hot air balloon?"

Gong Gong nodded, "Yeah."

"I want to play!"


A group of people are like the stars holding the moon, arching Natalia away.

Han Jin stood alone in the wind and stupid for a while.

Baby is wronged...

He reacted and chased him up. When asked, a hot air balloon can only sit at most three people.

Miyazaki and Yuyou immediately clung to Natalia, and obviously two people wanted to sit with her.

Yun Shishi finally couldn't stand it, clearing his throat, "Don't forget the purpose of coming here!"

In a word, I woke up with Yuyou, but I was not willing to give up this position, so I glanced at the palace, and I wanted to let Natalya go, but I saw Nataliya hold the palace tightly. His shoulders are not willing to let go.

(End of this chapter)

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