Chapter 3961, Border 89

Yun Shishi once again glanced at you!

You are silent.


He makes one step!

Youyou lost his face and stood aside.

Yun Shi Shi on Hua Jindao, "You three sit together!"

Hua Jin wished to pay the same hot air balloon with Natalia.

However, the space of the hot air balloon is very small, and the three people sit together, and the space is already very cramped.

Therefore, the three people are very close.

Hua Jin feels that his face should be attached to the back of the palace.

He has some grievances.

Is this guy so high?

Oh, he forgot, the height of the palace is nearly one meter nine.


Is the gap of ten centimeters so big?

I used to stand far away, but I couldn't feel it. Now, once I get close, I find that the gap is so obvious.

This height difference... makes him hurt!

Natalia took the hot air balloon for the first time, so she was a little nervous. She was clutching the brocade of the flower brocade. As the hot air balloon slowly rose, she became more and more nervous and clasped his collar.

"How did this hot air balloon fly?"

Hua Jin was asked about it all at once.

Curiosity is especially strong, like a child of Natalia. This sentence will be asked.

It's not that he doesn't understand, but it's too hard to explain.

Hua Jin also knows that the principle of hot air to lift off is because the upper part is a big balloon, the lower part is the flying chess of the hanging basket, and the inside of the balloon is heated by the air, which acts as buoyancy, making the whole lift off.

However, such a complicated principle, if she really explained to her, she could not understand, and perhaps even worried to ask: "Will this hot air balloon fall?"

He looked at the palace for help.

Natalya saw the flower brocade and looked at the palace, and she was too confused to look at the palace.

But I saw someone sullenly vomiting, "by magic."


Flower koi lived!

How can Natalia believe in such a perfunctory answer!


Natalya’s eyes lit up, “Really?”


“Ohmygad! Theworldreallyhasmagic!It\'ssointeresting!”

Hua Jin’s English level is generally the same, but he is barely able to understand it.

Miyazaki is telling her that the hot air balloon can fly. It is because of magic. It is magic that makes such a big balloon take off. What surprised him the most is that Natalia is actually! letter! Now!

It turns out that children are so good...

But is that okay?

Will it cause a misunderstanding to her?

When Hua Jin was still hesitating, Natalya turned to look at him and asked with expectation, "Doyouhavemagic?"

"...Emmmmmm, no, sorry."

The voice of Hua Jin just fell, and Natalya’s face could not help but show a trace of loss.

Miyazaki met, gently holding Natalia's small face, blinking at her gently, "Natalya, you are a magician, Doyouknow?"



Miyazaki pinched her nose, "Yes, youare!"


Natalia was hesitant and cautiously reminded him, "I won't be magic..."

"How come?"

Miyazaki kissed her forehead gently. "When you smile, the whole world is getting better! Isn't this the best magic in the world?"

His voice just fell, Natalya understood, surprised and widened his eyes, and a little boy showed a charming smile!



(End of this chapter)

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