Chapter 3973 Chapter 101

What is this taste! ?

This feeling……

It’s like the head was bombed by the atom.

Li Jiao is tender.

"It's so hard..."

Hua Jin Gang escaped two words, and Gong Fan felt that his eyes narrowed. "It's so hard to eat?"


Hua Jin spent a lot of effort, and finally swallowed the dark things. The whole mouth was full of inexplicable sand texture, bitter, and it felt like a swallow of black soil.


It is also a skill to be able to make the donut into this taste.

Hua Jin quickly changed his mouth and said, "It's hard to describe the delicious."

Gong Fanyu lived.

On the side, Gong Yi and Xiao Yuchen both gave him a look, "..."

Is this a Jedi survival?

It is such a big turn.

Gong Fan is very clever. Even if he was initially confused by Xiao Qianchen's high-performance acting, he is not stupid enough to see it. This is really hard to eat.

Hua Jin’s words can lie, and the eyes and micro expressions can’t fool people.

In other words...

The higher acting skills can't conceal the unpalatable nature of this thing.

Is it so bad?

He snorted and glanced at the dark donut in the dish, holding an unbelieving mentality and taking a bite...


He almost fell down.

Yun Shishi was frightened. He quickly helped him. Gong Gong was forced to hold the table and waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

Just turned his face, Yun Shishi looked at his face, overcast, full of loss.

"So bad..."

He has never eaten such a bad thing!

Although I don't want to admit it, I don't want to admit it, but this doughnut is really hard to eat...

He expressed all the failed pieces of the whole plate into the trash can with no expression.

Everyone is silent.

I don't know how to laugh, but I should comfort him.

Gong Fan is somewhat sloppy, "Is it good to eat what you have done?"

"Oh... oh yeah..."

Yun Shishi is helpless. "He is good at cooking this..."


Gong Fan’s head slammed and could not be lowered any more, apparently lost to the bottom.

His temper is strong and he is not willing to do anything worse than people.

However, this point, he is really not worthy of blessing, I feel a little sad.

At the same time, some are not reconciled.

Yu You is too good, there is a kind of light that he dare not look straight.

He has done this doughnut very seriously, and even experienced several failures, but why did he actually fail this time?

Miyazumi’s heart is inexplicably annoyed.

Yun Shishi has no choice but to smash his head. "Well, don't be sad. In fact, the first time you do it, you can make it, it's very good! Mommy did it for the first time, and it didn't do well. And, it’s not as good as you! You are like Mummy in this regard. Mommy seems to have no talent in this respect."

Gong Fan listened, and the feelings of sadness in his heart eased some. "Really?"

"Well, really, so you see, when did Mommy cook? They are all cooks, Mommy won't cook, and won't make desserts."

Gong Fan listened, and my heart was not a taste.

"I will study more next time, maybe, I also have the talent to make desserts."

Xiao Yuchen listened, I don’t know why, and I’m so excited.

Perhaps, he has already imagined that if Gong Fan is seriously studying dessert, then he may become the chief test officer.

(End of this chapter)

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